If you want to talk about conspiracy theories in the US

Filed in National by on March 10, 2008

The Carlyle Group is a name at the top of that list (right Liz Allen?)

Connections between the Carlyle and the Bush family have inspired controversy, particularly in relation to the War on Terror and the Iraq War. George H. W. Bush and his Secretary of State James A. Baker III have at times been advisors to the group. One writer claimed that Saudi Arabian interests have given $1.4 billion to firms connected to the Bush family. Of this figure, $1.18 billion comes from contracts awarded to defense contractor Braddock, Dunn & McDonald, which Carlyle sold before George H. W. Bush became an advisor.[16] A Carlyle spokesman noted in 2003 that its 7 percent interest in defense industries was far less than several other venture capital groups.[17]

So when I see this: 

Executives of the District-based Carlyle Group are holding crisis talks in New York today over the fate of their Carlyle Capital Corp. affiliate, as pressure mounts from creditors over the company’s investments in U.S. mortgages.

My radar starts pinging. Carlyle Group you ask?

Let’s list some members:

  • James Baker III, former United States Secretary of State under George H. W. Bush, Staff member under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, Carlyle Senior Counselor, served in this capacity from 1993 to 2005.
  • George H. W. Bush, former U.S. President, Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board from April 1998 to October 2003.
  • George W. Bush, current U.S. President. Was appointed in 1990 to the Board of Directors of one of Carlyle’s first acquisitions, an airline food business called Caterair, which Carlyle eventually sold at a loss. Bush left the board in 1992 to run for Governor of Texas.
  • Frank C. Carlucci, former United States Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1989; Also, former Princeton wrestling partner of former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Carlyle Chairman and Chairman Emeritus from 1989 to 2005.
  • Richard Darman, former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget under George H. W. Bush, Senior Advisor and Managing Director of The Carlyle Group from 1993 to the present
  • Randal K. Quarles, former Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President George W. Bush, now a Carlyle managing director
  • So…do you really have to ask yourself why the Bush Administration is trying so hard to make sure that the US mortgage industry doesnt’ completely tank….

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    hiding in the open

    Comments (4)

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    1. Brian says:

      Think that is good. Ask the Czech President about the Club of Rome.

    2. G Rex says:

      Whatever you do, don’t mention Skull and Bones, or John Kerry will have you Tazed.

    3. Brian says:

      Lol…that is so funny. Don’t tase me bro.

    4. liz allen says:

      Jason: and the worst is yet to come. Halliburton and KBR have taken all those billions of dollars for their no bid contracts…to a shell company in the Cayman…to avoid paying taxes on their ill gotten gain!

      Wonder why the economy is falling like a rock. It was reported on Friday that 2 banks one in Missouri have already filed for bankruptcy!

      Better keep some cash around…just in case. Many banks in operation today are not FDIC protected. Looks like Citibanksters and others gave money to startup banks round the country. If those banks fail, they will not be FDIC protected.

      Brian, your understanding of the Club of Rome and other under the radar organizations make me wonder if we still have a consitution or a democracy!