Just your average Hillary Supporter, nothing to see here

Filed in National by on March 10, 2008

Governor apologizes over reported prostitution ties

NEW YORK – Gov. Eliot Spitzer apologized to his family and the public on Monday, but did not not elaborate on a bombshell report that he has been involved in a prostitution ring.

Should be interesting to see how they take him down.  David Vitter comes to mind, but they never busted him “real time” so to speak.

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hiding in the open

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  1. disbelief says:

    Read an article in Vanity Fair about him a couple months ago. He is uniformly described by every NY politician as the world’s biggest asshole. And they used the word “asshole”.

  2. Sagacious Steve says:

    The thing about Spitzer is, that as Attorney General, one of his highest profile cases was the busting of an NYC prostitution ring, I think about 18 people were arrested.

    If you’re gonna set yourself up as some great arbiter of morality, then you’re gonna have to walk the walk.

    Don’t think we can slime Hillary with this one. He IS the governor of her current official home state, after all.

    But, if he’s forced to resign, does that mean she loses yet another committed superdelegate?

  3. disbelief says:

    I think Spitzers biggest AG score was the AIG/Marsh price fixing.

    And this from a guy who’s daddy paid for every election he ran in.

  4. cassandra m says:

    I’ve a colleague who was working on a project that briefly involved Spitzer who said the same thing (that Spitzer was an asshole).

    Before the press conference, Fox (!) was reporting that it was expecting that Spitzer would resign, but I gather he did not.

    Bet all of those repubs silent when Vitter was caught are howling now. But, I did forget, IOKIYAR.

    Nonetheless, this political superstar is sooner or later off to make a ton of money in the private sector.

  5. disbelief says:

    Spitzer’s dad was a real estate tycoon on par with Harry and Leona Helmsley in Manhattan. Don’t think Little Spit ever made a dime in his life.

  6. Sagacious Steve says:

    The Rethuglican Governors Association has already called for his resignation in order to restore honesty and integrity to government.

    No word yet from Messrs Vitter, Craig, Foley, et al.

  7. G Rex says:

    Come on now, I’m sure he was just doing research. Very expensive research. Let’s all just wait for his expense report to come out before rushing to judgment.

    Rudy Giuliani: “What, you don’t have to marry them? Damn, $5000 an hour would have been cheaper!”

  8. cassandra m says:

    Well, of course not. Everyone knows that only repubs can avail themselves of prostitutes.

    NPR is reporting that Spitzer was caught on a wiretap making arrangements for one of prostitutes at this club. Still not good news for Spitzer, but was he caught making arrangements or busted in flagrante?

  9. Brian says:

    Thank god it was with women.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    All we need now is to put him in bed with Hillary… I hearby offer $100 to anyone that can provide that evidence!

  11. anon says:

    Can’t Spitzer just claim the girls were lobbyists?

  12. Pandora says:

    Geek, if I had that pic, I wouldn’t take your money! You would, however, owe me a drink!

    BTW, the Lt. Gov of NY is also a HRC supporter. He’s also legally blind. Go on guys, have fun with that one!

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I told him that would happen if he kept doing that. Going blind is bad, at least he could have shaved his palms if they started growing hair…

  14. anon says:

    Hmmm… just poring over the early news stories on Spitzer. Apparently it is fairly rare for the Feds to prosecute prostitution. The thing that made it a Federal case was the girl traveled from NYC to DC.

    And Spitzer was caught on a WIRETAP agreeing to the travel arrangements, which made it Federal…

    Anybody smell setup?

    I mean, it’s not like there is any motive or anything…

  15. anon says:

    Anyway, did you see the pictures of Spitzer’s wife at the press conference?

    I bet I know what she’s thinking:


  16. Pandora says:

    Thanks, Geek. I knew I could count on you!

    Anon, you must be very intune withyour feminine side. That was my thought exactly!

  17. disbelief says:

    Just to get it into perspective, how much would Donviti charge for an hour?

  18. G Rex says:

    Good thing there weren’t any hookers in Governor Corzine’s Suburban when it crashed doing 90 plus on the GSP…or were there? I smell a cover up!

  19. Brian says:

    Lol. It would be better to note that Marion Barry had hookers and crack. Two for one. Kinda makes one wonder if Spitzer had any coke on him at the time?

  20. Dana Garrett says:

    The guy always rubbed me the wrong way.

    Wait till stuff comes out about how he arranged the financing, his use of taxpayer funds to fly to DC on state business, etc.

    What an idiot. What was he thinking?

    He needs to resign immediately.

  21. G Rex says:

    Dana, Democrats never have to resign, because they have no ethical standards. Jim McGreevy was the exception; Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Jerry Studds, and that guy with the cash in his freezer are the rule.

  22. Brian says:

    G-rex you might get this joke…..I wonder how many eat much chicken? Sorry I cannot translate it correctly.

  23. anon says:

    McGreevy’s smoking hot ex-wife was on CNN last night providing expert commentary.

  24. Al Mascitti says:

    “That guy with the cash in the freezer” is named Jefferson, isn’t he? Just like the founder of the party, you know, the one with the little sex scandal of his own…

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Spitter should stick his junk out and shake it at all of those Rethug hypocrites.

    Why is the FBI going after a small prostitution ring?

    Why are they tracking 5k transfers from a rich man, a Gov no less? – it takes 10k to make it known to the feds.

    Where’s Vitter?

    Smells like Alabama, smells like a set-up….