Delaware Liberal

I’ll believe it when I see it…call me a skeptic

WASHINGTON — In continued defiance of the White House, House Democratic leaders are readying a proposal that would reject giving legal protection to the phone companies that helped in the National Security Agency’s program of wiretapping without warrants after the Sept. 11 attacks, Congressional officials said Monday.

keep in mind this awesome program, saved us from those morons at Ft. Dix, the other morons in Miami and the, gasp, Dirty Bomber, that turned out to be a nutcase too

Instead of blanket immunity, the tentative proposal would give the federal courts special authorization to hear classified evidence and decide whether the phone companies should be held liable. House Democrats have been working out the details of their proposal in the last few days, officials said, and expect to take it to the House floor for a vote on Thursday.

I’m not going to jump up and down.  Handing this stuff over to the courts is almost as bad as immunity.  Christ, Exxon still hasn’t paid Alaska the 4.4 billion it owes for the Valdez thing.  So I ask you, why would turning something over to the courts be considered a win?  You know as well as I do that they are going to not turn over evidence b/c it is secret and will aide the enemy.  I mean good lord, these assholes get subpeaoned (can’t fucking spell it) who cares how I spell it actually!  The word doesn’t mean shit to Bush, Myers, Bolton and the rest of those law breaking SOB’s!

So sure let the courts decide.  Hopefully it will go to the supreme court and then maybe justice will…who the fuck am I kidding, I can’t even write that line without flat out wanting to off myself. 

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