Serious question here…

Filed in National by on March 11, 2008

Does anyone actually pull their schlong through that hole in your underwear?  (assuming you wear some style of briefs) Or do you just pull the wasteband down?  I’m thinking I’d be fine with underwear that makes me look like a GI Joe Doll if it saves me a few bucks.   Manuevering through that hole can prove quite challenging I must admit.   

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hiding in the open

Comments (13)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Was that story about the bathroom incident YOU? You rock, dude!

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Hummm…ok there, Larry David…..

  3. Steve Newton says:

    No, but instead of waistband down it’s leg up.

    Here’s an even stranger one. I used to play raquetball with an older guy, first-generation Italian immigrant. When he dressed after his shower he would dress in the following order: undershirt, shirt, tie, socks, and then underwear.

    Is this something specifically (a) Italian, (b) European, or (c) indicating that I should be looking elsewhere in the lockeroom?

    Anybody for a game?

  4. RSmitty says:

    Larry David or Larry Craig? LOL. Isn’t Larry David the uber-comedy writer?

  5. Von Cracker says:

    There’s an episode of Curb that talks about the exact, same thing.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Curse my wife cancelling HBO! Curse you!!!!

    DV-you plagerist. You still rock, tho.

  7. donviti says:

    really? I honestly had no idea VC. I don’t have HBO

    look at me!

  8. Von Cracker says:

    I can attest – DV does not have HBO.

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    “Anybody for a game?”

    Only if I can shower w/ my underwear on in front of you. 🙂

  10. Duffy says:

    I would answer this question but it’s “very very complex.”

  11. Al Mascitti says:

    VC is referencing an episode from this past season, when Larry’s wife leaves him for the guy who invented “No-Fly Underwear.” When Larry meets him and says he doesn’t really get the point of it, the underwear magnate explains, “Our research shows XX percent go over the fence, XX percent go through the gate.”

  12. G Rex says:

    Now there’s a question worthy of a Bill Clinton press conference: over the fence or through the gate?

    That reminds me, I never gave Obama any credit for refusing to answer the boxers or briefs question. The man has no business being anywhere near the White House, but he does have class and dignity.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Heh – like Shrub did!

    Unless the business you’re referring to is all about plunder and gang rape…..