When they came for the guy who pays prostitututes to have sex with him…

Filed in National by on March 11, 2008

I was not paying prostitutes to have sex with me so I figured, big whoop.

Is it me?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    …I will be waiting for ChristDana’s hypocrisy meter to be blasting off in … 3… 2 … 1…

  2. RSmitty says:

    Seriously, though…what’s one of the biggest reasons for the exercise in thoroughly crushing a politicians career (something in which media and, well, we bloggers participate)?

    Hypocrisy. Think about it. Do you think it’s more about the crime, or more about what he’s done in light of what he’s built his career on?

    The general public just seems to love knocking people off a pedestal, and when they do, it doesn’t stop there. That’s where the boots start stomping.

    His transgression of being weak against his own personal will, in other words, being human, will ultimatlely be the potential fatal blow to his political career as they will be held up against the crusades of his Sheriff of Wall St Days.

    It’s quite interesting, though. We hold politicians up to pure standards, but treat them with utter sub-human contempt.

  3. RSmitty says:

    Eesh…that makes me sound like an apologist, but I’m not. It was simply observations.

  4. jason330 says:

    An accurate observation. It is not the crime, but the acting out of charachter that is the career killer.

    So someone like McDowell can be a low-life cutting back room deals with Delmarva Power all he wants because people have come to expect it from him.

  5. RSmitty says:

    He keeps getting re-elected, right?

    I think we just uncovered the secret rule, J! Set that bar low from the get go. Then, when it’s time to stand up to the charges, you simply ask, “…and where exactly did I fool you?”

    Crap, McDowell might be more a genius than any of us ever thought! He’s freaking Dr. Evil!!!

  6. disbelief says:

    The linked article states that the Spitzer incident, or “Does she Spitzer?”, is a right wing conspiracy. The first point is that the bank should not have notified the IRS about a few thousand dollars transferring around unless someone was out to get Elliot. Maybe he shouldn’t have made the checks out to “Ho’s R Us”.

  7. RSmitty says:

    wait until they find out he used a rubber (check).


    Thank you! Thank you very much!!! You can find me at DeLib almost daily!

  8. disbelief says:

    Please try the veal! And don’t forget to tip the waiters!

  9. Duffy says:

    The point is that whether you agree with prostitution or not it’s against the law. For you, me and yes, Spitzer. Flagrant and repeated violations of the law make him unfit to be governor (IMNHO). Remember also that he would me easier to blackmail because he wouldn’t want his career and/or marriage ruined.

  10. disbelief says:

    When Spitzer got busted, did he waive his elected official credentials and say, “Don’t worry, my wife can drive me home.”

    Does the embezzlement of Delaware escheat money tie into this prostitution scandal? Were any of the hookers wearing suspenders with dollar signs on them and have suspiciously large Adam’s Apples?

  11. cassandra m says:

    We hold politicians up to pure standards, but treat them with utter sub-human contempt.

    There are a fair number of those politicians who come into office extolling purer-than-the-rest-of-us values and some with real legislative efforts to enforce what they think are purer standards. Those politicians deserve all of the stomping they get, I think.

    Criminal behavior is criminal behavior and I think you should be gone from office (especially if convicted). It becomes way too difficult to be a credible upholder of the law if your own relationship to that law is compromised. Spitzer’s problem is not so much the hookers, it is that his caped crusader rep is quite shattered by this escapade.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Just for fun, tho:

    Sadly, No! chronicles one wingut’s evolution of position from Vitter to Spitzer.

    And care of the indispensable John Cole, (warning this link goes to Red State) a RedState flashback extolling the virtues of hypocrisy.

  13. Rebecca says:

    It is 2008 and the Republicans control all the agencies that snoop, spy, and pry. If you are a Democrat and you pull stupid stuff like this you will get caught. And the scandal will leak. And they will call for your resignation. It really is that simple. Why can’t people like Spitzer understand this?

    All the women I know are walking around shaking our heads today. This isn’t the first time, it won’t be the last, and it’s totally predictable. I hate to say it but, maybe we should elect Hillary.

    You guys really are from Mars.

  14. Rebecca says:

    Not YOU guys, but SOME guys.

  15. RSmitty says:

    Freudian slip, Rebecca!!! I kid, I kid.

    I hear Pluto is nice this time of year.

  16. Dana Garrett says:

    Although GOP administrations grow government size and budgets & deficits larger than Dem administrations, this episode demonstrates the one place where the GOP is more frugal than the Dems.

    Spitzer goes for high-cost prostitutes, but Vitter goes for low-cost New Orleans prostitutes, Craig for any available dong in a public restroom and Foley for young page boys.

  17. Von Cracker says:


    Libs take their sex seriously! 😉

  18. R Smitty says:

    It just ocurred to me about this. I got so hung up on the story of him and his rubber (checks)…there is actually a far more damning crime for a politician going on here that doesn’t involve his l’il spitzer…

    It appears the dude committed money laundring (still an allegation, but reading the CNN Article, it doesn’t look good). Ouch.

    To answer prior questions, it’s the laundering that landed this as a Federal investigation…his l’il Spitzer issue is a result of that investigation.