Delaware Liberal

Term of the Day for March 16th & 17th

Republicenomics : An economic system in which business executives that make good decisions and appropriate investments do well and business executives that make terrible decisions and make horrible investments get bailed out by tax payers and do extrodinarily well.

There is no downside risk to being an investment banker when Republicans are in charge. Make risky plays that workout…GREAT! Cha-ching! Make risky plays that don’t work out…GREAT! The gullible US tax payer is there with his bottomless funds. CHA-CHING!!

Seriously. Of course the goverment should not bail our Bear Stearns and the executives who did such a lousy job should be fired and the shareholders who trusted them should lose eveything. Of Course that should happen. But it aint going to happen, because that would cause everyone to stop pretending that everything is okay and the economy, as Bush and Castle put it, is “rebounding.”

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