I’m not saying, but I’m just saying…

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008

High-priced prostitution unlikely in Del.

That this isn’t true. I do quite well and this blog thing has sky rocketed my demand! Woohoo

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hiding in the open

Comments (19)

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  1. disbelief says:

    True story: during the Viet Nam war the Dover police chief was asked for the reason of his success in discouraging prostitution. He replied, “Because of the Air Base wives.”

    The sound of ruffled feathers was deafening.

  2. cassandra m says:


    I never would have guessed you were a high-priced call girl, DV.

  3. FSP says:

    “I never would have guessed you were a high-priced call girl, DV.”

    He’s certainly not going to make it on his intellect.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Hey! If a man can use his ‘back’ to make money, why can’t DV?

  5. donviti says:

    i use my bone not my back

  6. disbelief says:

    Do you have a “Customer comes first” motto?

  7. Joe M says:

    “this blog thing has sky rocketed my demand!”

    What does the blog have to do with you wanting more hookers?

  8. donviti says:


    Customer or not it will ALWAYS be my motto

  9. nemski says:

    I remember when I first met Donviti . . .

    I had flown into town to finalize a deal on a company I was purchasing. I was a bit lonely and found DV standing on the corner in Trolley Square. At the time, he called himself Bruce, but I’ll call him DV for consistency’s sake.

    I was a high roller back in the day and DV was just what I was looking for. Of course, he was a bit uncultured, but you knew that there was a Prince just busting to come out.

    Well after a night of wining and dining DV (I am a gentlemen after all), he finally allowed me to have my way with him and, I tell you, I was smitten. So smitten, that the next day I asked DV if he’d mind staying the whole week.

    What a glorious week it was. I bought my company which I later resold in many parts for a lot of money and my time with DV was a precious one. Though I had to leave town, DV never really left me. There is always a small part of my heart that belongs to him.

  10. G Rex says:

    It’s a supply and demand issue – there’s no scarcity of slutty Jersey Girls (in Newark anyway) who will show you a good time for the cost of a few drinks at Klondike Kate’s, so there’s no market demand for anyone charging 3 grand for it. Hey, here’s an amazing capitalistic idea: t-shirts with whore diamonds on them! Naturally, no self-respecting Jersey Girl will purchase one with less than 5 diamonds, and you could charge more for 6 or 7.

  11. donviti says:

    Nemski had me at hello

  12. liz allen says:

    I hear that downstate they have a lot of “swinger groups”…why pay when you can get the cow for free!

    I am sure Delaware is not without its high flying hookers either….after all this is the corporate state and we have a lot of “transients”.

  13. disbelief says:

    Downstate swinger groups? Liz, have you seen the movie Deliverance? You don’t wanna’ be swung like they swang down here.

  14. Joe Cass says:

    What’s the definition of high priced in Delaware? Nascar tickets?

  15. Joe Cass says:

    And check the G Rex with the pulse of the party. Hold steady, playa.

  16. liz allen says:

    highpriced…over $100.. with inflation under Bush….$50.

  17. Brian says:

    G-rex- you rock. Get it on horn dog….Jersey girls….woo-hoo…like anyone else needs scabies.

    DonV you suck. I mean er, um, I know that for a fact…I am blushing now.

  18. Duffy says:

    DV: Make sure your clients wear condoms or you’ll have to change your initials to VD.