Open Source Blue Water Wind Ad

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008

I don’t think the Ad the Blue Water Wind is running on WDEL is very effective.

I would like it to call out the four state Senators that are blocking the wind deal and Gerald Hocker a bit more aggressively – but I’ll allow that that might not be the most prudent course. At the very least it should urge people to call their state reps and tell them to support the PSC and the pending wind power deal. It should also give a phone number for people who support wind power to call.

This advocacy type advertising device, a “call to action” is basic and Blue Water should not have to be told to do this. Anyway, if anyone else has some lines they’d like to contribute, maybe we can build an effective Blue Water radio spot right here in the comments section….?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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