See, trading with a communist country brings democracy!

Filed in National by on March 20, 2008


It’s only a matter of time before democracy sets in.  We need to keep trading with them!

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Shhhh, you don’t want to be sarcastic about the GOP’s source of welfare for meeting the federal budget. They might cut us off.

    (Isn’t it ironic that in spite of our claims to have won the cold war, we depend on handouts from a communist government to keep the lights on.)

  2. anon says:

    I hear US revenue from rope sales is especially strong.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    “China threaten to ‘deal harshly’ with Tibet.” Maybe they’ll up their shipment of lead painted Dalai Lama dolls. That ought to do it.

  4. If Garrett had his brain cells in working order he’d know that his Junior DEM Senator is a major player in this picture.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    If Willing’s brain cell weren’t so fried, she’d remember that the US didn’t need to borrow these sums from Red China to meet a budget in surplus before Bush took over.

  6. Brian says:

    China is the great economic power. We should not pretend it is not or ignore its rise but work together with China (I agree with this part)- but as heard on NPR this morning- to stop all the evil cults and the Dalai clique who are evil serpents with human faces (this is where I begin to get very nervous).

    I just hope the violence stops soon and it does not get out of hand. There are many, many good people in Xizang Province.

  7. The topic here was trade, not debt, sir.

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    “The topic here was trade, not debt, sir.”

    In the first comment I expanded the issue to the deficit, jerk.

  9. Straying off topic is fine. Just don’t expect everyone else to do so.

  10. donviti says:


    I have to admit that was pretty Hubish what you did bro. keep it civil please.

    Besides Nancy may track you down. She’s good at that from what I hear

  11. Besides Nancy may track you down. She’s good at that from what I hear
    oy, please give up some more details of who and how I supposedly tracked someone down or you will just start a fresh rash of shit from the deigned one.

  12. donviti says:

    you freaking called ME NANCY ON A SATURDAY MORNING! bitching you were blocked


  13. BUSTED !!!!!!! Plus I remember googling you to find a phone # and found a photograph with suspicously fewer head hairs than hottness allows for (in general terms, anyway).

  14. But I am pretty sure I didn’t call you Nancy.

  15. donviti says:


  16. Dana Garrett says:

    “I have to admit that was pretty Hubish what you did bro. keep it civil please.”

    What are you taking about?

    What’s interesting to me is that she prints unsubstantiated and absolutely viscous rumors about a 3rd party (Bullock) which are reputation-destroying and not one of the writers on DL tell her to back off.

    So, if you want to talk about values in commenting, then please explain how you let her do that w/o so much as one word to rebuke her?

  17. R Smitty says:

    Now it’s DL’s fault…for once not Burris’.

    Score check! Who’s got the scorecard?

  18. Dana Garrett says:


    I guess you never learned Newton’s 3rd law of motion, did you.

    Now meet equal & opposite reaction:

    Since you are his apologist and he is too cowardly to let me comment on his blog so that he doesn’t have to answer question like this one for himself…Perhaps you can explain why Dave Burris claimed that Matt Denn’s insurance pooling bill would cost $100 million when in fact it would cost only $13 million?

    Unless it’s an incredible typo, that sounds like telling a lie to me.

  19. too cowardly to let me comment
    Dana, how many of us are you so afraid of?

  20. RSmitty says:

    Yesterday it was Mike Matthews fault for not being pet dog and then it was all of DL’s for not being pet dog. It’s not a one-time thing, it’s an established pattern. I’ve seen each and all of the above take up fights when they have seen it necessary. Guess what? Your fight isn’t everyone else’s fight and vice-versa. Yet, you seem to expect everyone else to pick up your charge. You ever wonder why you seem to be the only voice of reason and everyone else out here is wrong? Seriously.

  21. Dana Garrett says:

    So let me see, Smitty. It’s perfectly OK w/ you that someone claims a person has 5 sexual harassment charges based on a rumor, puts it on the internet for the entire world to see, and states she will not bother to verify the claim? Is that what you are saying?

    And I am at fault because I don’t that’s right because of a few comments people made about me?

    Try concentrating on that question:
    Is Nancy’s claims about Bullock proper conduct? Is it disgusting conduct according to your values?

    Answer that. And don’t bother w/ the question about Dave Burris’ phony claim about Matt Denn’s bill.

    Should people do what Nancy did? Why or why not?

  22. Dana Garrett says:

    “too cowardly to let me comment”

    My site doesn’t exist for you to print libels and unsubstantiated rumors on.

    Others might think it’s perfectly OK on their websites for commenters to NAME individuals and allege they have embezzled money, had affairs, fathered illegitimate children, use community centers as campaign headquarters in violation of the law, etc., etc. WITHOUT OFFERING ONE SHRED OF CREDIBLE EVIDENCE. But not me. I don’t allow it on my site.

  23. RSmitty says:

    Dana –

    I never said it was your fault, nor did I intend to give you that impression. What I did intend to say is that when you take exception to accusations, you have faulted others for not seeing it the way you do, to a point of guilt-by-disinterest. You do it to Burris almost everyday (look at the usage of his tag on your site) and yesterday you did it to Mike Matthews and Donviti (and all of DL, for that matter). Hell, you do it to me everytime I address you anymore. Not everyone feels the need to fight every battle, as you apparently are trying to do. However, you have been admonishing people for not living up to your level of morality – seeing things your way – when you do fight these battles. It’s as if we are all sinners in your church!

    As far as Burris’ comments on Matt Denn? This may surprise you Dana…Dave and I don’t discuss things as much as I think you perceive. That is his comment and his research. You know what I know about that? Nada. Why? Because I haven’t looked it up. I do keep it forefront not to take on topics where I haven’t done my homework. Healthcare is not a strong suit of mine yet.

    Do I condone unproven accusations? No, I don’t. Do I feel a need to jump up and down everytime one is made? No. When I do jump up and down,

  24. RSmitty says:

    DUDE! (that’s to geek)

    Your EDIT mode hung…hence that last paragraph above.

    Feel free to delete this comment here…right here…this one….here.

  25. My site doesn’t exist for you to print libels and unsubstantiated rumors on.
    But you are quite comfortable printing libel and starting ugly rumors about others everywhere you go~! Good on you~!

  26. Dana Garrett says:

    “But you are quite comfortable printing libel and starting ugly rumors about others everywhere you go~! Good on you~!”

    Nit true. Everything I said about you was true…even about making anonymous smears.

    I can check IP addresses at my site.

    Others can too.

    They know as well.

  27. donviti says:


    very well said. Did you go to Wesley or something?

  28. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, sure, it’s my fault you don’t know how to type…

  29. RSmitty says:

    Why, yes, I did go to Wesley. You seem extremely intelligent, as well. Shall we elitists engage in a friendly wager? Say $1 to convert Burris to a left-of-left-radical democrat and Dana to a right-of-right-radical republican?

    Right, then. That Wesley education has done us well. Pip-pip. Cheerio.

  30. RSmitty says:

    It’s all your fault, geek. You installed that safety net and it failed me. I guess that means I can sue you now. Buy me a beer and we will call it a settlement. 🙂

  31. Duffy says:

    Can we get back to the trade thing? I have a serious question.

    Who thinks we should trade with China and/or Cuba? Why or why not?

  32. G Rex says:

    Okay Duffy, I’ll bite. First, the trade embargo with Cuba is pretty much symbolic, since everyone else trades with them – even our good buddies Canada. Heck, we still buy Venezuelan oil, doesn’t that support a murdering left wing dictator? Then there’s the cigar issue. Sure would like some of them! Besides, Cuba is still an economic basket case despite the fact that everybody but us trade with them.

    With that benchmark set, trading with China is a given, but they need to do more to protect intellectual property and trademarks. (The joke is that Bill Gates was delighted to hear that there are a billion Chinese using the new Office Vista, but disappointed to hear that Microsoft had only sold one copy of it.) Then there’s the product safety issue, and the fact that every big Chinese city looks like Pittsburgh in the 1800s. The problem is, how do we get them to act like a responsible country? Oh yeah, and it’s still a brutal Communist regime, as the Tibetans just reminded us.

  33. donviti says:

    there’s the cigar issue

    their cigar’s suck any more. Mexico’s are way better.

  34. donviti says:

    I’m ok with trading with Iranians Duffy, if the government would just be open and up front and say the only fucking reason they are trading with these countries is b/c Walmart hired lobbyists to allow them to get into the country in the first place.

    trade away, why do I care. But at the same time don’t spew some crap about how you (you being the government) are concerned with Human rights and at the same time do nothing to actually change it

    FYI: Beer tasting in July…A real one!

  35. G Rex says:

    DV, I’m a fan of Hoyo de Monterrey coronas myself. The ones made in Honduras, of course, by the folks who own the rights to the original Cuban brandname – not the guys Castro granted it to.

    Here’s another thing – if you lefties can have million mom marches and protests and whatnot for everything from abortion to Iraq to the designated hitter rule, why can’t they go out and “raise awareness” about poisonous toys, toothpaste and dog food from China?

  36. anon says:

    why can’t they go out and “raise awareness” about poisonous toys, toothpaste and dog food from China?

    Are you saying you weren’t aware? Wasn’t it on Fox?

  37. Andy says:

    Unfortunately the video was pulled