Delaware Liberal

So my Veterans Day post caused an uproar. I want to know how pissed you are that Cheney said this

Just to refresh your memories people. I had a post a few months ago you can see it here

Well Basically I implied or at least part of what I tried to convey was this is essentially the administrations line of belief that these boys and to some extent girls signed up for this. Essentially, shit happens, oh well, real sorry, have a nice life.

Well, your boy Dick Cheney said this:

“The president carries the biggest burden, obviously,” Cheney said. “He’s the one who has to make the decision to commit young Americans, but we are fortunate to have a group of men and women, the all-volunteer force, who voluntarily put on the uniform and go in harm’s way for the rest of us.”

Raddatz noted that some soldiers, Air Force members, and Marines have been on multiple deployments and have been sent back to Iraq because of the stop-loss policy — an involuntary extension of a service member’s enlistment contract. The Army alone says 58,000 US soldiers have been redeployed to war because of the stop-loss policy.

“When you talk about an all-volunteer force, some of these soldiers, airmen, Marines have been on two, three, four, some of them more than that, deployments,” Raddatz said. “Do you think when they volunteered they had any idea that there would be so many deployments or stop-loss? Some of those who want to get out can’t because of stop-loss?”

“A lot of men and women sign up because sometimes they will see developments,” Cheney said. “For example, 9/11 stimulated a lot of folks to volunteer for the military because they wanted to be involved in defending the country.”

So go f’yourself you holier than though aholes! I was such a prick, a heartless Ahole that posted that on Veterans day…

and if you want to know how I really feel watch this!


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