Delaware Liberal

Are you dumb enough to not like Obama b/c of Rev Wright?

I think this is all too funny.  Rev Wright is soooo controversial.  He is one scary nigger (woooooaahhhhhhh Donviti)  We weren’t even thinking that out here in Whitesville, Pa! 

Donviti, now why on earth would you ever think that we, typical Pa voters, would ever be stupid enough to succumb to images of an African American prostelitizing about the evil things corporations do and how the government mistreats blacks?  Just because the guy wears some crazy African Looking shirt, has a gray afro, and yells into the microphone like a crazy Black Panther, that is by no means reason for us, gullible, uneducated white folk to vote for Hillary!  Come on now whiteviti?  We aren’t as dumb as you think!  I mean who cares that we watch CNN and FOX all day long and they put the video up 20x’s a day and say “This video is being shown all over television”  We aren’t dumb enough to know that even though Fox and CNN act like they are reporting on this angyr niggeeeerrrrrrrr I mean, black guy, when they are really just pushing their own agenda’s.  We all know there is a liberal media bias.  Like we said, we aren’t as dumb as we think you think that we think you are pretty sure we are

Or are you?

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