Are you dumb enough to not like Obama b/c of Rev Wright?

Filed in National by on March 25, 2008

I think this is all too funny.  Rev Wright is soooo controversial.  He is one scary nigger (woooooaahhhhhhh Donviti)  We weren’t even thinking that out here in Whitesville, Pa! 

Donviti, now why on earth would you ever think that we, typical Pa voters, would ever be stupid enough to succumb to images of an African American prostelitizing about the evil things corporations do and how the government mistreats blacks?  Just because the guy wears some crazy African Looking shirt, has a gray afro, and yells into the microphone like a crazy Black Panther, that is by no means reason for us, gullible, uneducated white folk to vote for Hillary!  Come on now whiteviti?  We aren’t as dumb as you think!  I mean who cares that we watch CNN and FOX all day long and they put the video up 20x’s a day and say “This video is being shown all over television”  We aren’t dumb enough to know that even though Fox and CNN act like they are reporting on this angyr niggeeeerrrrrrrr I mean, black guy, when they are really just pushing their own agenda’s.  We all know there is a liberal media bias.  Like we said, we aren’t as dumb as we think you think that we think you are pretty sure we are

Or are you?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Arthur Downs says:

    Obama can be a lackey to a scheming and swindling slumlord and latch on to the angry preacher-man.

    B.O. is an opportunist who is playing up to white liberal guilt and the gullibility of adolescents of all ages.

    He appeals to the far left of the party that seems to think that Hillary’s momentary lapses into lucidity are acts of heresy from the Party Line.

    It is a delightful squabble.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I think you just got your answer, DV.

  3. donviti says:

    I smell new talking points from Limbaugh, Hannity and the lot of them….

    boogity, boogity “far left”

  4. nemski says:

    Barack Hussein Obama is obviously a puppet to the radical black leaders of the 60s. All of us white people who have support Hussein should be ashamed of ourselves — it is obvious that the white blood that flows through his veins is not as important as the blood of his bruthas.

    John McCain for President!

  5. Von Cracker says:

    People are stupid and consistently spoon-fed. Watch Wright’s sermon in its entirety…HERE.

    Funny that until now many didn’t realize much of the so-called ‘inflammatory’ statements, which played on an edited, continuous loop by the Librul Media were contributed to a Conservative former ambassador….

    …just like those other conservatives who thought 9/11 and Katrina were caused by Great SkyDad’s hatred of Gays, Poor Blacks, and their decadent cultural ways….you know, the ones Maverick McSame once shunned but now is begging for help.

  6. G Rex says:

    Well, speaking as a typical white person, the problem I have with Sen. Obama is the way he’s been presented as the second coming of JFK despite a complete absence of substance.

    As for his guilt by association with the racist reverend Jeremiah Wright and the Chicago slumlord Tony Rezko, I’d say he’s guilty as charged. Funny how immediately after these two stories broke, pictures of the Clintons with Rezko and of Bill meeting Wright magically surfaced, but as has been pointed out recently, he’s just another politician.

  7. G Rex says:

    Oh, and the inflammatory statements Cracker refers to above were so readily available to the media because these sermons were the ones on DVD being sold by the church. It wasn’t the blooper reel they were peddling, it was the Best Of.

  8. Brian says:

    G-Rex more than just another politician I think some people have just discovered that Obama is actually black. I mean the way he talks and all is no better or worse then mine. But he was actually a black kid who grew up in Indonesia. Being that he goes to a church or barber shop where black people actually say what is on their mind rather than kowtow must mean there is something horribly wrong right? I think it is fine. But I do not think this should be a legitimate subject for discussion, we should have a strict separation of church and state, but that would not go over well for the moral superiority feelings and self-righteous indignation that people on both the right and left can throw his way now….

    I am surprised no one on the compassionate fascist side has tried to call him Obama S. Hussein bin Laden yet.

  9. Brian says:

    Since there is so much speculation about the process, Kevin Drum over at the Washington Monthly askes Henry Reid about it here is what he said:

    “THINGS ARE BEING DONE”….Via Dana Goldstein, here is Harry Reid telling a reporter how the Democratic primary race is going to play out:

    Q: Do you still think the Democratic race can be resolved before the convention?

    Reid: Easy.

    Q: How is that?

    Reid: It will be done.

    Q: It just will?

    Reid: Yep.

    Q: Magically?

    Reid: No, it will be done. I had a conversation with Governor Dean (Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean) today. Things are being done.

    My mind is now at rest. Thanks, Harry.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    G, exactly how is Wright a racist?

    Just because he spoke about the way the White Man has kept the Black Man down?

    I, for one, do not believe you know what the word means.

    Or is it the ‘God Damn America’ stuff???

    If it is, then it’s not Wright who has the problem, it’s his detractors who appear to have a heightened sense of American Exceptionalism.

    And what about McCain and his flip-flopping? His constistant mixing of Shia and Sunni? Thoughts?

  11. donviti says:


    the right told G he is a racist. That’s how he knows.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Jedi mind-trick?
    …thought that only worked on the weak-minded.

  13. G Rex says:

    Jedi Spinmaster: “You don’t need to examine this candidate’s qualifications.”

    Voter: “We don’t need to examine this candidate’s qualifications.”

    JS: “He can go about his business.”

    Voter: “Hope and change.”

  14. Von Cracker says:

    This should flush your bullshit*:

    Tell me again why poor and middle-class GOP voters vote against their economic interests?

    Is it because they focus on wedge-issues which do not directly affect their lives?

    I know for a fact that wealthier GOP voters vote with their economic interests. Right?

    *aka – total disregard for the truth


  15. Von Cracker says:

    And don’t even go there with the ‘Cult’ thing….

    ….Rev. Moon

  16. G Rex says:

    Sorry, I keep forgetting that you guys subscribe to the liberal fallacy that blacks can’t be racists.

  17. Brian says:

    G- my point is that anyone can be a racist or religous xenophobe, it is better to maintain a strict seperation between church and state. People should be seen as individuals. But if we are going to go there, everyone is going to lose face….there are no perfect religions just like there are no perfect people. So I hope you were not lumping me into that fallacy, there is enough racism in the world to go around….anyone can be a racist if they do not take race, sexual orientation etc. lightly by giving everyone equal freedom and oppurtunity. I think we should use the individual as the standard and government should work to protect individuals against all forms of discrimination. It should not be so selective, otherwise it really divdes people and does not bring them together in a meaningful way. You can see it in the way people use language loosely here and there in ways that can be offensive, when they say things like ” You Crackers, Honkeys, Whitey, Mexican’ts, Blacks, Asians, Feminazi, Latinos, etc…you rich folks, poor folks, etc… Demonazi, Democommie, Repulinazi, Rethug, etc…” better…. you can just fill in the blank. Either way they are cognative distortions about what people are and are not.

    It is not the right way to go if we want an integrated and happier society. You do not build on what divdes us as a nation, I think it is better to build on what unites us politcally speaking. Can we at least try that for a change? A little bit?

  18. Little Birdie.... says:

    Reverend Wright was Wrong….He figured he may as well take his fifteen minutes of fame as prophet Andy Warhole predicted.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    I am surprised no one on the compassionate fascist side has tried to call him Obama S. Hussein bin Laden yet.

    The compassionate fascists (I am so stealing this, Brian) are currently caught off guard that the Wright business has pushed the possibility of painting Obama as a Manchurian Muslim is pretty much over. What you are able to watch, though, as the GOP previews their exact theme for running against Obama if the time comes. A these that will be quite substance free, but will certainly try to capitalize on fear. Again.

    The compassionate fascists want everyone to forget that they sit in the pews of churches that demonize gay and lesbians; churches that fluent in eliminationist rhetoric against Muslims (interestingly, if a Muslim said similar things against Christians, these compassionate fascists would rightly recognize a call to religious war. But our sample compassionate fascist would be under the usual conservative fantasy that only Muslims are interested in religions violence.); calls for the killing of abortion providers; prayers for the deaths of Supreme Court Justices; and specific calls for women to be returned to the second or third class lives of old.

    The problem, really, is the media again. This kind of behavior in churches of religious leaders supporting repubs is often just seen as normative — who would expect better? But Love They Neighbor is supposed to be the radical organizing idea of the Christian church and it is way beyond time to call for these churches to be exposed for the un-American and un-Christian frauds that they are.

    Of course we have to wait for the compassionate fascists to get over their shock and anger that there could really still be angry black people left in the world.

  20. G Rex says:

    Compassionate fascists is my term, Cassandra, and you’re totally misusing it – I used it to refer to those on the left who want to do all things for all people, but in order to do so must take command of everything.

    Health care is the prime example, in that the compassionate fascist must nationalize the health care system in order to provide “free” health care to all citizens. The compassionate fascist sees high gas prices adversely affecting consumers, and calls for the oil companies to be punished (windfall profits tax) and for the auto companies to have their products dictated to them (CAFE standards) rather than address the supply problem.

    Oh, and compassionate fascism is an atheist and intolerant ideology – separation of church and state is not enough, the state must have absolute supremacy over the church.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    G – I spend a good 5 years growing up in Overview Gardens/Garfield Park, so I know how black people can be like…and there were certainly some white-hating racists there. They probably thought they were justified in their thoughts and actions because of economic situation, bad deeds done in the past, etc….funny; nowadays you can turn this around by using poor whites and Hispanics….

    Sometimes speaking truth to power will make the ones being talked to flail their arms around in total disbelief, trying to deflect the pain and shame.

    Again, why is Rev Wright a racist?

  22. Brian says:

    G- It is wrong to think a compassionate fascist is either on the right or left and you know we both know it came from Jonah Goldberg’s book, but my props to you for popularizing the phrase. There is difference between left socialism; and right socialism and compassionate fascists are on both sides of that divide with their radical agendas. One side usually advocates things like you mentioned, price controls for consumers etc. The other side uses military Keynesianism to offer price controls to the military and hand and glove cooperation with huge industries at the expense of consumers and citizens.

    On the right fascism is one thing, on the left socialism is another. They are both forms of socialism but that is about all they have in common, and they are both used to exercise arbitrary authority that is where people get confused about the exact definition. But compassionate fascism is a very real pheonomena that mixes parts of the right and left in a regulatory love fest cluster f##k like Audolous Huxley’s Brave New World.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    I hear from the Best and Brightest on the Right that eating Kashi makes you a Fascist.

  24. donviti says:

    I know for a fact that kashi makes you regular…

  25. Brian says:

    Kashi makes me regular too. Maybe being regular has something to do with not being fascist and being all clogged up has something to do with being a fascist?

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Incontinence breeds fascism!

  27. Von Cracker says:

    Hitler did appear to have ‘something’ up his ass…

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Good Kos diary by someone who knows Wright:

  29. G Rex says:

    Brian, Jonah Goldberg’s book is called Liberal Fascism, but I haven’t read it yet. I was basically playing off the compassionate conservativism riff but pointing to the compulsion of the left to do all the wrong things for the right reasons, and to do them by force majeur.

  30. donviti says:

    don’t worry G, we already know you can’t come up with an original thought even if you think you did

  31. G Rex says:

    Your mom.

  32. Brian says:

    G- I second that, Mrs. DonV is hot.

  33. cassandra_m says:

    Sorry, GRex for misattributing your phrase.

    I’m still stealing it and repurposing it to highlite the real agenda of the so-called compassionate conservative of BushCo and his followers.

    But this: pointing to the compulsion of the left to do all the wrong things for the right reasons, and to do them by force majeur.

    Just sounds as though you’ve forgotten that the recent thuggery has been at the hands of repubs have been the Congressional majority for 9 of the last 12 years. The Iraq War being Exhibit A.