Bush’s War

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 25, 2008

This Frontline Documentary is running it second part tonite on PBS — the first part was broadcast last night and is available to see on line at the PBS site.

I was hoping to talk about this today here, but have noticed that Tyler Nixon (writing at Delaware Libertarian) has pretty much said it all about this production. If I were to add anything to Tyler’s post, it would be a much stronger, um, retort to VP Cheney.

Please try to see this program, and once done with that, check out the great documentary, No End in Sight. This doc does not get into how we got into Iraq, but does show (using voices from inside the administration’s reconstruction team) in some detail the incredible incompetence that produced the political and insurgent mess we are trying to manage now.

EDIT: Brian from Delaware Libertarian has some compelling thoughts and links to the film Taxi to the Dark Side — a documentary on the BushCo torture policy that won the Academy Award this year in the docs category.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. disbelief says:

    There was a guy on TV who wrote a book comparing Bush & Co. to Shakespeare’s “Henry” series. Funny as hell. Unless of course you’re missing a limb or a relative from the war.

  2. Brian says:

    You might enjoy this one too….just click on my name….I promise you will not see this on American TV, but the BBC is where we need to get all our “objective” news nowadays….

  3. Rebecca says:

    I watched tonight although I tried not to. What a horrific, botched up mess we have made of Iraq. And what an incredibly incompetent government we’ve got.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    It is a mess, Rebecca. Between this week’s 4000, the clear unseriousness of Bush and Cheney about this war and the deluge of grief and anger about this week’s horrific milestone coming to my email and phone, I’m feeling particularly distressed about this entire failed business this week.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Brian, that doc was in theaters early this year I think and I was trying to be on the lookout for it. It wouldn’t have gotten much closer than the Ritz I suppose, but I just missed it and really regret that.

    I do love the BBC (their radio program is in the local NPR station early in the AM), but still have to be skeptical of their coverage of American politics. They are not immune to the set narrative. Thanks for posting that link.