Mat Marshall’s After-School Job

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 25, 2008

OK, I love Mat Marshall. He is a hell of a blogger, a hell of a mind and quite a precocious young man. I regret not catching him at the Obama victory party. I read his coverage of the Obama Rally laughing out loud and wanted to hug his Mom, Dominique for her co-blogging.

Well now Karen Hartley-Nagle has named him as her communications director in her effort to unseat Mike Castle. From this I take away two things.

First, Mat is getting noticed. This is great, because to be named the communications director for a Congressional bid at the age of 16 is unheard of. If anyone deserves it, it’s Mat.

Second, KHN isn’t really going to make a run at this thing. As great as Mat is, he is untested, young and he has homework to do after school. If you are seriously going to challenge Mike Castle, you have an experienced communication manager. I have no doubt that Mat will be great throughout the summer getting KHN in front of people and doing what she needs to do to start making in-roads. But what happens in September, October and November? Mat will be back in school again with responsibilities there. If he misses a day, Castle will be sending a truant officer to KHN’s office to drag him back to school.

I can only assume that KHN is hoping to catch on and if she starts making some coin, hiring someone in the summer. Hopefully, Mat knows that is the plan (or at least a possibility). But I have doubts that Mat will be able to negotiate the non-visible side of politics, namely money-grubbing. Spivack had a young guy that ran his campaign (he had at least 5 years on Mat) and I think that inexperience (among other things) cost Spivack.

If any 16 year old can do it, it’s Mat. I’m pulling for you, buddy. But don’t get your hopes up.

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  1. disbelief says:

    Based on that analysis, Mat ought to get 40 or 50 high school credits for this work. And they should be transferred to college, saving him tens of thousands in the cost of tuition. Perhaps there should be a University of Delaware Liberal (or Jason U?) that would allow my just and equitable idea.

  2. anon says:

    Well, he IS going to be off all summer. Mat will provide a great head start for anyone who might take over in the fall.

    And what it really emphasizes is that Delaware Dem HQ isn’t serious about winning the seat. I wonder if any more experienced Dems have been warned off KHN. Do you really think Joe Biden couldn’t pick up the phone and find ten experienced people for this job?

    KHN has nothing to lose, so why not think out of the box? You go girl, and go Mat!

  3. liberalgeek says:

    True enough. It’s just that I have this sinking feeling that Castle could have another stroke and still win this thing without breaking a sweat. This makes me sad.

  4. donviti says:

    one day I hope to be as popular as Matt is

  5. jason330 says:

    I’d like this to mean that KHN is going to be so in Castle’s face that we will not be able to catch his breath.

    It has already had an impact in the race, because it made me disband my exploratory comittee.

    I’m very much down with this move.

  6. disbelief says:

    Castle’s Platform:

    1) $4/gallon gas
    2) a war that’s killing our youth and our economy
    3) torture
    4) post-initial Alzheimers

    While the horror of Alzheimers is nothing to make fun of, its not something we want in the Federal Legislature.

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    What Democrats have here is the reverse of the situation the Republicans have with the governor’s office — plenty of arguments against the other party, but nobody to get behind.

  8. anon says:

    Almost but not quite, Al. Dems have an unspoken agreement not to mess with Castle. Dems aren’t really trying to unseat Castle.

    On the other hand, as far as I know Republicans have no such agreement about Minner, Markell, or Carney. They have been trying as hard as they can and just can’t do it.

  9. George says:

    A novelty communications director, for a novelty campaign.

  10. You know, Markell is spending the big bucks having pulled in a former Delaware political journalist to that position in his gub. campaign. But Joe R. has already put in more than a few gaffs which forced some embarrassing retractions (all merely scheduling mis-information , but still, faulty communication from the communication director is pretty suckee).

    I think that this move to use Matt is brilliant. He has depth in working campaigns even at this age.

  11. disbelief
    Castle is also on a money/banking committee. He started making noises about regulation of hedge funds about a year ago and DID SQUAT about it. He is directly responsible for the politics of ignorance that has allowed hedgers to rape the markets (no SEC oversight) and us (15% tax rate).
    Pin Bear Sterns on the SOB.

  12. Mat Marshall says:


    Thanks for the plug, man. Seriously, we’ll catch up some time.

    RE: school, I’ve never had a difficult time getting through school work quickly. We’ll see what the workload looks like this fall, but I doubt that I can’t handle it.

    Also, as far as inexperience/novelty goes… certainly, there are those out there who have worked every staff position possible, and are, in that sense, more qualified for the position than I am.

    But then, as mentioned in the release, I’ve worked with 7 campaigns, a nonprofit and a grassroots movement. I [try to remain] well-read on the political state of affairs around me, and I have something of a talent for writing.

    Again, it may prove to be too much for me… but at this point in time, I doubt it.

  13. George says:

    And, modest.

    I counted two typos in your release.

    Granted, it was sent by KHN.

    So, either the Comm. Director or the candidate is unable to proofread.

    I’m not exactly impressed with either scenario.

  14. Mat Marshall says:

    I don’t know what your beef is with me, in all honesty, but it’s getting silly. Frankly, it’s a typo. Nothing to shed a tear over.

    BTW, there shouldn’t be a comma in “and modest”. Also, it’s not a sentence (neither a subject nor a predicate), so there shouldn’t be a period either.


  15. disbelief says:

    The reason I stay away from anything critical on Mat’s comments is because its embarrassing getting your intellectual ass kicked by a 16 year old; right, George?

  16. George says:

    Forgive me, I should have used an ellipsis.

    I also don’t have beef with you. I just don’t feel the need to rub your little belly every time you do a trick.

    I never said you didn’t have talent for writing, or that you didn’t know how to spell “immediate” or “our”. However, it does show a bit of sloppiness.

    I had no idea you were above reproach, but again, I beg forgiveness.

  17. George says:

    Yes, Disbelief. I got my “intellectual ass kicked”. You sure got me.

    That must be why I’m never offered those high-powered job offers in the Hartley-Nagle campaign.

  18. George says:

    For the record, Mat, I just think you’re being used by KHN for some extra novelty press. I think she’s a joke. Frankly, I had assumed she wrote and distributed the press release, not you.

    For what it’s worth, I wish some of Delaware’s gutless Dems would make a real run at Castle’s seat instead of letting these gag candidates make fools out of themselves and their staffs.

  19. jason330 says:

    I agree with this part…

    I wish some of Delaware’s gutless Dems would make a real run at Castle’s seat

    …but I also live in the real world and I want someone (even if they lose) to rip a bloody chunk of meat from Castle’s leg.

  20. Mat Marshall says:

    It’s a shame, too, because I was really looking for a good scratch behind the ears for my little “trick”.

    Re-read the release. “Our” was never misspelled.

    Outside of that, I’m not biting.

  21. Brian says:

    Way to go Mat! Great job…

  22. disbelief says:

    I’ve got a question for George: how do you spell ‘pompous’ and ‘pedantic’?

  23. Brian says:

    “I also don’t have beef with you. I just don’t feel the need to rub your little belly every time you do a trick.”

    George are you a fetishist? They like their belly rubbed when they turn a trick. How much do you get for that? I saw it on National Geographic too. They also like Jello shots from the belly button….you too?

  24. Brian says:

    George how long have you been in NMBLA and why didn’t you just tell us that….it is easier then working your frustration out on our friend.