Delaware Liberal

Mat Marshall’s After-School Job

OK, I love Mat Marshall. He is a hell of a blogger, a hell of a mind and quite a precocious young man. I regret not catching him at the Obama victory party. I read his coverage of the Obama Rally laughing out loud and wanted to hug his Mom, Dominique for her co-blogging.

Well now Karen Hartley-Nagle has named him as her communications director in her effort to unseat Mike Castle. From this I take away two things.

First, Mat is getting noticed. This is great, because to be named the communications director for a Congressional bid at the age of 16 is unheard of. If anyone deserves it, it’s Mat.

Second, KHN isn’t really going to make a run at this thing. As great as Mat is, he is untested, young and he has homework to do after school. If you are seriously going to challenge Mike Castle, you have an experienced communication manager. I have no doubt that Mat will be great throughout the summer getting KHN in front of people and doing what she needs to do to start making in-roads. But what happens in September, October and November? Mat will be back in school again with responsibilities there. If he misses a day, Castle will be sending a truant officer to KHN’s office to drag him back to school.

I can only assume that KHN is hoping to catch on and if she starts making some coin, hiring someone in the summer. Hopefully, Mat knows that is the plan (or at least a possibility). But I have doubts that Mat will be able to negotiate the non-visible side of politics, namely money-grubbing. Spivack had a young guy that ran his campaign (he had at least 5 years on Mat) and I think that inexperience (among other things) cost Spivack.

If any 16 year old can do it, it’s Mat. I’m pulling for you, buddy. But don’t get your hopes up.

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