Delaware Liberal

10 Things I Love About Drinking Liberally

10) Donviti. Love him or really love him. The guy has got flair. (Missed you this time DV.)

9) The fact that I don’t have any responsibilities. I have enough on my plate. Thanks Eric and Dana. You guys rock.

8 ) Drinking. I don’t need to drink to have a good time but I hardly ever have a bad time with a couple of drinks in me. (Plus scotch makes me more charming and better looking.)

7) It is unapologetically liberal. Having lived through the Bush years it feels like breaking the surface of the water and having a deep breath to be around other liberals.

6) Meeting blog fans. Especially fans who have jobs which prevent me from naming names. (you know who you are.)

5) Getting the inside skinny. (Does anyone say that…”skinny” anymore?) Anyway, some things just can’t be emailed.

4) Meeting the awesome, charming attractive wives of bloggers. Let’s face it when people see you two together that think, “What is she doing with him?”

3) The fact that there is no “Drinking Conservatively.” So IN YOUR FACE CONSERVATIVES!!

2) The creativity & the strategizing. Some creative SOB is always throwing out some great idea.

1) Did I mention the drinking?

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