Delaware Liberal

Who Owns Dave Burris?

I ask that question in all seriousness because loosing him to Delmarva Power is a significant blow to the cause of off shore Wind Power. Dave was an early and forceful advocate for the project but he is more than MIA – he is shill for the other side now, passing along their transparently bogus red herrings.

So who is he working for?

It could be Charlie Copeland of course. Dave seem to have hitched his star to Copeland’s Welsh Cob Carriage. for some reason.

McDowell and DeLuca appear to own Copeland* so they seem to be getting a twofer.

Or maybe is fellow registered lobbyist John Burris. Registered lobbyist John Burris has some high end clients – maybe they are getting a twofer?

Anyway it is as interesting as it is sad. Dave seemed to be a new kind of Republican. So much for that.

[*About Copeland being owned by Deluca and McDowell, it is curious isn’t it? I mean do they have something on him or what? What does Copeland get out of covering for the hated Senate Democrats? It is all very odd.]

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