Here is A Democrat I Will Not be Voting For
Democratic Insurance Commissioner candidate Gene Reed, Jr.
Gene Reed is the bought and paid for property of Regulatory Insurance Services, Inc. (RIS); a corporation that “has made millions from auditing Delaware insurance companies for the Department of Insurance.”
This is pretty much slam dunk blogging by Mike Mathews.
Just look at all those $1,200 donations and consider that they are all related to RIS. My question is how could RIS be so brazen?
My question isn’t why a self-interest entity is trying to buy at state-wide office, but why they are so obvious about it. Looks to me like the lesson here is Reed is too stupid to oversee insurance in Delaware.
You ought to consider John Brady. He’s an extremely qualified attorney with bipartisan leanings and friendships on both sides of the aisle. He knows how to move legislation and was very consistently fiscally conservative in his other offices, returning money to the county every year.
so let’s ask Jack and John about this at the health care debate this Friday… Does the governor have any say in the award of this contract?
I registered to attend the debate on the web site and it said I would have the opportunity to “submit one question” but I didn’t see how to do that. Maybe they collect them at the door?
If you are going please post your questions here so we can sharpen them and avoid duplication.
John Brady is a former Democrat who is the most qualified for the job. Reed is a sellout, as his campaign funds suggest. Insurance Commissioner is a job where integrity is key. It’s the biggest and easiest job to get rich at in any state by taking bribes and altering legislation to favor the insurance industry. Reed is a total insider.
Karen Weldin-Stewart is also very well qualified for the job. Between Karen and John, hopefully either will be the next commissioner. Has Carper come out an endorsed Reed? I have heard that he did so off the record.
I wonder if this will cancel my double post
yup, it did.
How can you endorse someone ‘off the record’? It sounds like giving someone’s dead battery a jump but not.
Karen Weldin-Stewart is the best qualified for the job. It should be between her and Brady, but the governor needs to take a more active role in dealing with these contract issues for insurance and for accounting. Markell would be ideal to do that, Carney I suspect would be ok, but I am not as confident that it will not be just more of the same.
I like the fact that in Delaware the R’s and D’s organizations put Delaware first. Or used to do so.
I would really be surprised if Carper endorses Reed in any manner. Carper led the fight to oust Gene Reed, Sr. as New Castle County Democratic boss, and he succeeded. For his troubles, he endured Reed ally Danny Rappa funding a nuisance primary against him.
I know politics make strange bedfellows, but that one would set off alarms.
How can you endorse someone ‘off the record’? It sounds like giving someone’s dead battery a jump but not.
Welcome to the inner workings of DEM politics.
Reed is Denn’s man. Denn encouraged Reed to run and what I heard was that Carper went around saying that Reed was the DEM’s ‘candidate’. I do not get why people who are really looking at these people don’t turn away from Denn in disgust. He is a Carper man through and through, carrying Carper/Minner water when he was Minner’s attorney.
Nancy Willing wrote:
“Reed is Denn’s man.” Source?
“Denn encouraged Reed to run.” Source?
“…Carper went around saying that Reed was the DEM’s ‘candidate'”. Source?
I frankly don’t think any of those things are true. And I would never under any circumstances vote for Gene Reed. And I wouldn’t vote for Matt Denn if he was backing Gene Reed for IC.
However, unsubstantiated assertions in the blogosphere are no substitute for facts.
So, are these assertions in fact true? If so, please cite a credible source to support them.
Otherwise, you might do well to stop presenting assertions as if they were fact.
Reed is Denn’s man.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Nancy to back that up Sagacious. It is bullshit.
So I guess that makes Ted Blunt Nancy’s man? Who’s on first?
I got the word from someone who is running, if you must sling accusations, Stevie pie. Since these people have to run within the DEM inner circle, I can hardly divulge who but feel free to give me a call and I will discuss it further with you. (302) 294-1939.
This pattern with Carper holding court and telling people seeking statewide office that he is not going to support them and that so and so is his ‘man’ happened to two people that I know of so far. Both are now in the running and I have just about said too much at this point.
We all know how cut throat old Daniello can be and Carper is the honcho that gives Daniello his marching orders.
I also know that Denn has a posse and that you all would take offense to the least dredged up ‘memory’ of the well documented bad actions he has committed in the name of good old boy politics.
I don’t dislike Denn. He is a nice guy. But you guys should be squirming a bit if you think that he deserves to get a free pass. Google him and Alan Muller and you’ll get a whiff of what he was capable of doing in the name of the same special interests that plague us now via McDowell, Adams, Deluca and Copeland.
What Denn has done well, he gets Kudos for. What he has done that hurt all of Delaware, he should wear.
Oh and Mikie poo, I don’t have a candidate that I support. I hear that Blunt carries water for whoever is in the Mayor’s seat as does everyone on the city council.
Jason, you can call me too, please do. I know how much raw partisanship appeals to you but it ain’t gonna fly with me.
This race will come down to Tom Savage of Sussex, who has the support of Fire/Police to name a few. When he was the unpaid lobbyists for police/fireman, they had NO health care, no pensions nothing. It was Tom Savage who got them these services. He will end the graft and corruption at the Insurance Commish office. He and John Brady in my opinion will be the candidates in the general.
Gene Reed is a professional and a step up for DE. You guys finally get a good candidate and you shoot him down because he is reasonable.
I know it’s stating the obvious, but I didn’t sling accusations, I just asked for a source.
And ‘someone who is running’ but must remain anonymous is probably the least credible of all sources since they perhaps have the greatest ulterior motive to lob unsubstantiated claims out there.
david, the issue isn’t ‘reasonable’, the issue is Reed’s finance report: black and white, night and day, it either is or it ain’t. And according to the finance report, it looks like he’s bought and paid for.
And just who has attached all of Gene’s contributors to anything in particular? Names and addresses surely didn’t cause you to leap into your fantasy worlds, did it? KWS wouldn’t have anything to do with all of this, I’m sure. Where does her money come from??? Oh, that’s right, she doesn’t have any.
Good point, Anon2. Thanks for reinforcing the fact that KWS is not the ‘bought-and-paid-for’ Dem candidate.
How can John Brady be gay and a Republican???
How could Anon3 be clueless and wildly inappropriate?
Man of man.
If anon2 is a Gene Reed supporter they are a real stupid one to breath life into this thread.
heh, I saw Gene Reed at a fund raiser in Newark and if I had to cast a slick, dirty, second-generation pol in a movie, he’d be the model.
KAREN WELDIN STEWART LIED ABOUT HER BACKGROUND AND.IS UNQUALIFIED FOR THE OFFICE OF INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Strange that none of this fraud’s Democrat opponents did their homework. If they had, they could have defeated her easily in the recent primary. Stewart does not have anywhere near the insurance experience she claims, nor does she have the IQ or the education to manage the insurance commissioners’s job. Her experience in insurance does not go beyond administrative jobs. Stewart may be charming, but she is dishonest and profoundly stupid, in no way qualified for this office. If Democrats in Delaware and citizens generally don’t want to be sold down the river by this impostor, they had better write in one of the other candidates whose qualifications are documented and legitimate. Stewart’s superficial charm won the primary for her, but she is really nothing but an empty suit.