Archive for March, 2008

I am the eyes and ears of this institution

Filed in National by on March 18, 2008 1 Comment

You think I’m some sort of serf, peasant, peon? A 45-year-old elementary school custodian was arrested after police found several pounds of marijuana and Vicodin pills in his Chevrolet Blazer parked in the Richardson Park Elementary School lot, state police said Monday.

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Dorian Gray Guest Post

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 18, 2008 1 Comment

This is more essay than blog post but it is a fine analysis, I think. It expounds on a similar point I was making this morning. Adult relationships are very complicated. There is no consistent, homogeneous path or clique or political party we can truly resign ourselves to. Why do we expect this from our […]

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Committee On Crony Protection

Filed in National by on March 18, 2008 15 Comments

In my stint at a tiny federal agency that had an annual budget that would not fund one day of our occupation of Iraq, I learned that most agencies function in spite of the political appointees – not because of them. The top jobs at most agencies are simple quid pro quo paybacks for some […]

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Filed in Uncategorized by on March 18, 2008 7 Comments

How does inflation work?

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Liberalgeek’s cover blown…

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 4 Comments

He’s not really in Arizona people: Naked man runs wild in Pa. shopping center

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I’m not saying, but I’m just saying…

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 19 Comments

High-priced prostitution unlikely in Del. That this isn’t true. I do quite well and this blog thing has sky rocketed my demand! Woohoo

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Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 6 Comments

Before I ask the question let me set up by saying that my daughter asked me this morning how much Irish she was.  I said about a third.  She was part Italian, Irish and Polish (unfortunately).  It dawned on me that I never factored in the American part as a percentage?  So my question is […]

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Open Government…yawn…who needs it

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 76 Comments

DOVER — All Sen. Karen E. Peterson wants is an open debate on her bill to open the General Assembly’s inner workings to public scrutiny. I don’t follow the local stuff half as much as I should. But on Friday there was a brillian piece by the NJ blaming the Dems and saying the GOP […]

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Open Source Blue Water Wind Ad

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 0 Comments

I don’t think the Ad the Blue Water Wind is running on WDEL is very effective. I would like it to call out the four state Senators that are blocking the wind deal and Gerald Hocker a bit more aggressively – but I’ll allow that that might not be the most prudent course. At the […]

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Happy St. Patrick’s day!

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 7 Comments

I love St. Patricks Day at work.  It’s awesome to see 50 year old women squeezing into their Kelly Green Courdoroy pants they bought 12 years ago.  Or seeing men squeeze into their Cable knit sweaters! Ahhh to be Irish and Proud of it.  I wonder if Mike Castle is in Congress signing a bill […]

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Monday’s Motivational Poster

Filed in National by on March 17, 2008 31 Comments
Monday’s Motivational Poster

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Republicans Are Stupid And Nobody Likes Them

Filed in National by on March 16, 2008 13 Comments

So says the Cook Political Report. (T)he gap between the numbers of Americans who identify themselves as Democrats and Republicans has widened considerably, and the Republicans are facing an increasingly large deficit. Each year, the Gallup Organization aggregates all their national political polling, resulting in massive sample sizes: in 2006 alone, they surveyed 30,655 voters. […]

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Geek Post From The Valley of the Sun

Filed in National by on March 16, 2008 8 Comments

Sorry that I have been so non-posty for the past week or so, but I am currently on the road in Arizona.  This time of year is amazing in Arizona.  The desert is in bloom and I have taken advantage of it this weekend.  I have also found a brewpub with free wifi, so all […]

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