Have you seen the Obama Commercial where he states he doesn’t take money from Oil Companies?
I saw it Monday and was like wow that’s pretty cool of him…until of course I learned the truth. Like I said, in the end he is still a politician. Personally, I find this real shitty of him. The add is really, REALly SHITTY too.
We find the statement misleading:Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses. Two of Obama’s bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.
Tags: 2008 Presidential, Barack Obama, Politics
That’s not good…
…but HRC can’t complain since the same report shows Oil-based donations to her are $100k more…
These Oil guys are hedging their bets, obviously.
I just hope Obama does the right thing: Use those funds help in his election, and subsequently help pass legislation to reel them in.
I am ashamed of Obama.
Only $100K? He has got to do better than that.
From the oil companies, $50,000 – $100,000 is an insult.
He’ll need a lot more than that to neutralize the Swiftboating that’s coming. Which will have a hell of a lot more oil money behind it.
Heck, even Biden got something like $90K from MBNA bundlers one season (if I recall correctly).
Don’t forget Obama supports nuclear power! this guy is not what we all think, I am afraid. This is why I want Hillary/Billary to stay in the race…we need to know more about him before we give our 100% support.
Wait a second. Just because INDIVIDUALS that work at an oil company (not distinguishing between the janitor and management) are giving to Obama he is in the wrong? As INDIVIDUALS these people should know what they are contributing towards and how are we able to deduce from just a statistic that the intention is to influence Obama. Heck, even though his bundlers worked for oil companies (notice not any of the major players) does that mean they are just there for the influence or could they possibly believe in what might be happening. I work in Banking so should I be held liable for bad mortgages and foreclosures if I contribute to Obama. The whole fact checker is nonsense (for this statistic) since Obama was telling the truth and since as individuals there is very little influence that can be injected into the race. If you get this nit picky then I suggest you go and hide in a freaking closet b/c EVERY polictician is guilty by association.
Wow, Phantom, do you even understand what bundling is?
Let me put it this way: Has your boss ever “strongly suggested” you donate to a certain candidate?
Phantom has a point. Obama has over one million contributors. Some of them are bound to work for oil companies.
$213 k sound like a big number but how many donations does it represent? 1,000 ? 5,000? How many people work in the oil and gas industry?
That $213k figure is pointless. It has no context.
But I think you’re all missing dv’s point that it is disingenuous to say you don’t take campaign donations from oil companies, when neither Clinton nor McCain can either because it’s against the law.
This is the wake-up call: Obama is a politician. Not a new kind of politician, just a politician with some good ideas, some horrible ideas, the same “usual suspects” group of advisors and potential cabinet members as everyone else, and a public charisma to challenge either Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan in their primes.
We don’t get no stinkin’ messiah, and I don’t really want one.
thanks for visiting Susie! it’s an honor…
to susie’s point I remember working at MBNA and donating to the United Way was “optional” but you sure as hell didn’t want to be the guy to not donate….
As of Mar. 20, 2008, Obama has raised $138,200,000 in this election cycle. Some portion of that has to be used in the general election. But $213,000 only represents 0.154% of his total. Since HRC has raised much less than BO, her percentage has to be much higher.
As an Obama supporter, I’m not naive enough to think he is PERFECT or that he is going to satisfy me 100% of the time. Give me a break. Everyone complains everytime he sounds a little bit like a politician — he is a politician. He has enough good points to support him, and personally I think we all have to stop acting like a bunch of purists — liberals tend to do that.
So Susie, I assume your point on bundling is that b/c all the small donations were packaged into larger donations that the person presenting the donations will have greater influence with the candidate? As far as strong influences towards a candidate or charity (as in DV’s case) that does exist but if the person chooses not to give and suffers repurcussions that is treading some very dangerous ground for an employer. My point was that do you really expect his INDIVIDUAL donations or even the donations bundled from INDIVIDUALS to have a significant amount of undue influence on his positions as compared with Hillary’s acceptance of PAC and lobbyist donations whose sole purpose in life is to have undue influence on a politician. Obama needs money until we have a functional and effective financing system for elections. So he obtains money from individuals, shocker I know. Some of those individuals get the idea to combine donations (bundling) and donate at once. This might get them a meeting with the politician but the fact of the matter is that the individuals still have thier lives to live as compared to lobbyists whose life is devoted towards moving politicians into thier pockets.
Donhoni….you failed to mention the individuals that have paid $8. a piece for yard signs (no kidding)….his posse understands supply and demand if nothing else.
I’m w/Liz….we need to know more…a lot more.
you are with liz….oh dear, oh dear