Filed in Uncategorized by on April 2, 2008

While reading this, please keep in mind that Mike Castle has supported the President 100% on this subject.  Also, don’t forget that I believe Carper signed off on eliminating Habeaus Corpus too which ties directly into this. 

Couric asked Mr. Bush if this is a tacit acknowledgement that the way these detainees were handled was wrong.

“No. Not at all. It’s a tacit acknowledgement that we’re doing smart things to get information to protect the American people,” the President said. “I’ve said to the people that we don’t torture, and we don’t.”

Now to make you even more disgusted with your Government comes this lovely bit of news all because of this little prick:

John C. Yoo, now a law professor in Berkeley, Calif., defended his memo, saying,

The Justice Department sent a legal memorandum to the Pentagon in 2003 asserting that federal laws prohibiting assault, maiming and other crimes did not apply to military interrogators who questioned al-Qaeda captives because the president’s ultimate authority as commander in chief overrode such statutes

The document also appears to defend the use of mind-altering drugs that do not produce “an extreme effect” calculated to “cause a profound disruption of the senses or personality.”

“If a government defendant were to harm an enemy combatant during an interrogation in a manner that might arguably violate a criminal prohibition, he would be doing so in order to prevent further attacks on the United States by the al Qaeda terrorist network,” Yoo wrote. “In that case, we believe that he could argue that the executive branch’s constitutional authority to protect the nation from attack justified his actions.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    And all this from a guy who likely would have spent the early 40s in an internment camp.

    The only thing I agree with is the defense of the use of mind-altering drugs. They are really useful for any purpose. Except maybe operating heavy machinery or power tools.

  2. Phantom says:

    I’m sure the captives were begging for the drugs to remove themselves from reality just like our leaders. Maybe that is how they come up with this crap justification? That would explain the whole republican element. They all use mind altering drugs to view a different reality that then gets shot down when thier reality doesn’t actually fit very nicely into actual reality, see Iraq War, Tax cuts for the rich, Oil profiteering, etc.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    So if he argues and his rationale is turned down by the courts….what would be his personal punishment for going above the Rule of Law?

    Banishment to St Helena?

    Just what did Yoo ante?

  4. anonomous says:

    Sounds like the same kinds of arguments the Nazis made rationalizing immoral war crimes. Oh well, the war was and is a sham anyway.

  5. Little Birdie.... says:

    I pray that one day soon I’ll be proud to be an American again.

    Carper & Castle are mirror image….their illusion act of being ‘moderate’ is quite polished.