Delaware Liberal

Welcome to Potterville

The sex ed story below is like so many that kind of wash over us these days. Torture, death, misery, looming financial collapse, untold billions of public money looted and streamlined into the pockets of the already wealthy, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton driving the Democratic primary into the racial gutter, on and on. Same old same old. Just another day at the office.

It makes me wonder, how we got here? How did we allow mighty rivers of inhumanity and greed to carve the heart out of the world’s high plateau – a once great and peace loving nation – and turn it into such a dark canyon?

To any thinking person, Bush/Castle America must bring to mind the dystopia portrayed in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” We now all live in a dangerous and dirty Potterville where alcoholism seems like a rational response to the grim realities of life.

I know I tend to romanticize pre-Bush America, but news days like today make me despair of ever returning it to the Bedford Falls I remember.

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