Delaware Liberal

One loooooooooooooooooooong ass primary

As you may know from reading the depressing crap I’ve been putting up lately, I’ve come around to the fact that the Democratic primary is going to go on well past PA.

It is going to go into the summer and into the convention and Obama is going to have more delegates but they will not count because they still owe student loans or didn’t return a library book or some shit like that, but he’ll give his speech only no confetti cannons will go off because Clinton will have them stuffed with lawyers and the primary will go into the fall and John McCain himself will say “What the fuck?” on Jay Leno’s show sometime in October and the November election will come and he’ll have his hand on the Bible and be repeating the oath of office but he’ll be kind of yelling and nobody will be really sure if he promised all the stuff that you need to promise because Clinton will be standing next to him with a megaphone saying that the nomination is still undecided.

That is where my head is at. So when I read this from xstyker…

(These polls) suggests strong trending for Obama, and at this point I’m beginning to expect that next week’s polls will all show Clinton leads of 10 or less. I will revisit my prediction for the race at that time. An undeniable fact is that Clinton has not held a lead of more than 12 in any poll conducted in the past two weeks. Without a win by 20 or more, it will simply be impossible for Clinton to catch Obama in pledged delegates.

…I shrug.

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