Potterville News: “A Black Guy Can’t Win”

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 3, 2008

So says Bill Clinton and so says Hillary Clinton and so says my (secretly) racist buddy.

This friend is a liberal who I’ve known for years and had a lot of respect for until I found out that he, like Bill Clinton, does not hold black people in very high esteem because he knew an untrustworthy black person once.

And oh yeah…Good morning everyone!


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. jason330 says:

    BTW , If my rasict buddy is right, why are Karl Rove and John McBush so eager to have Clinton win the nomination?

  2. Pandora says:

    Race and gender. These have always been a problem. My guess is that your buddy wouldn’t vote for HRC either.

    The reason repubs want Hillary is because she will generate their base. HRC will guarentee that repubs who may sit this election out will get off their butts and come out to vote AGAINST her.

    Obama is tricky. He’s the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” candidate. Palatable, except for one little thing. And isn’t that sad. Change his skin color and this primary (and election) would have been over long ago.

    So, the question now is which candidate will motivate a repub party that isn’t happy with their nominee? It’s a numbers game, and if Hillary runs the numbers against her increase.
    Repubs won’t even have to promote McCain. Their entire campaign will be about stopping the Clintons. Now that’s a winning strategy for them.

  3. anon says:

    It’s bad enough we have to fight the rightwing media empire and the remnants of the Rove machine, but now we have to fight Bill Clinton too?

    The scary thing is that if Bill Clinton does not change his tune, “he cannot win” can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  4. Brian says:

    All I want to know rather than discussing race, is who among you liberals has the balls to repond to this:


    With this:


  5. liberalgeek says:

    Are you calling for a revolution, Brian?

    I was wondering last night just what it might take to push people to that. There was certainly a number of Tories in the colonies at the time that were perfectly content with the status quo. They even considered themselves patriots (of England).

    I thought of this while listening to a little story about the Irish martyrs that initiated a revolution and died at the hands of a firing squad for the future of the republic.

    What would it take for us to get to that point? Another stolen election (let’s not quibble about the details, perception is reality), a bigger disparity between rich and poor? I don’t know, but it seems more likely now (as it did in 1860 and 1968).

  6. anon says:

    I think standards of living have to suffer a broad and sharp decline before people wake up and rediscover the Constitution.

    A widespread Depression would in effect be an inadvertent boycott of the corporocrats. The telecoms, cable TV, media conglomerates, entertainment, cell phone companies, construction industries, you name it – would all be effectively defunded, leaving a vacuum for the return of actual principles.

    And in such a depression the trick would be to make sure the voters are angry at all the right people.

  7. Brian says:

    No, I would never call for anything but a peaceful revolution- I am calling for us to stop pretending we never had one.

    And to reintroduce those enlightenment ideals back into our national debate. It is a debate we need to have.

    And give you some of the fervor that animated it, which is the fervor I think the people wanted when we elected the democrats to a majority in Congress and Lehey and Biden, and some others seem to have.

  8. Change his skin color and this primary (and election) would have been over long ago.

    nice, NOT
    I think that the skills that he has under his belt of wowing a crowd would still be his black, white, yellow, red, etc.

    This kind of off-hand dismissal of either candidate is deplorable. I hold that of Clinton as well. Who knows if she would be were she is if not for having been married to Bill? I sure don’t.
    Statements like those are not exactly useful.

  9. Pandora says:

    Actually, my comments were in reference to Jason’s buddy and his reasoning.

  10. jason330 says:


    I took Pandora’s comment to mean that he would have wrapped it up long ago – not that he is getting a pass because of his skin tone.

  11. Pandora says:


  12. huh, my bad and apologies all around.
    It is the same wording that gets thrown around as attacks with Obama’s affirmative action’ candidacy and Hillary’s sleep-yer-way-up memes.

    Good to know I was so wrong.