Delmarva Power PR Machine Leaking Oil

Filed in National by on April 6, 2008

They are spending buckets of money to kill the Blue Water Wind project but not getting much bang for the buck.

First there was astroturf/push poll that Dana uncovered and now DP spokeman Bill Yingling is calling Representatives Valihura and Cathcart stupid (and in turn being called a liar by them).

But Delmarva spokesman Bill Yingling said the company never [promised to release on-shore cost estimates for onshore wind bids this March]. He said the company only said it would have preliminary numbers by the end of March, and those numbers would not be released.

“Representative Valihura must have misunderstood our statements,” Yingling said.
In reaction, Valihura said, “That’s just a flat-out lie.” And Cathcart added. “If they’re telling you they did not say that, they’re not telling you the truth.”

Ouch. Does this PR meltdown hint at larger problems for the Delmarva Power cabal? We can only hope.

Tommywonk reports…

that legislators are talking about voting on House Concurrent Resolution 38 next week. They certainly are in no mood to have the legislative calendar dictated by Delmarva Power:

“I can guarantee you we’re not going to wait around until the end of May, the beginning of June to make a decision on what we’re going to do on this issue in the House,” said Majority Leader Richard Cathcart, R-Middletown.

I have to admit Cathcart is stepping up.


Pepco Holdings CEO Dennis R. Wraase,is shopping for yachts with his recently awarded $4.4 million bonus. CHA-Ching!

The board justification for the bonus reads (in part) “his efforts to make the company a leader in its responses to climate change,”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    $4.4 million for responding to climate change? Hell, I got out of bed last night to ‘pass gas’ in order to protect my wife from adverse climate change. How many millions is that worth?

  2. Yingling is lying. He told the Civic League in February that he would have the numbers to report on March 10th. I have it in my minutes.

  3. kavips says:

    (Note to other side:) If you ever truly want to start winning elections within this state again, ……people like Cathcart are the types you need to run. Forget those idiots chosen by your party officials………