Did Obama Just Pick Up Three More Pledged Delegates in Dover?

Filed in National by on April 6, 2008

If so that would be big news. If not, it is still big news and Beth Miller at the NJ totally missed the story.

There were four unpledged delegates on Friday and there is only one unpledged now. Who picked up the three? Were they split? You don’t know if you get your political news from the news journal.

Shocking, I know.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. TommyWonk says:

    It would not be possible for Obama to pick up pledged delegates, who are by definition pledged.

    The pledged delegate count remains 9 for Obama, 6 for Clinton.

    There are 8 unpledged delegates; 3 have announced for Clinton (Minner, committeman Rhett Ruggerio and committeewoman Karen Valentine).

    There are 4 unpledged and undeclared delegates remaining: Daniello and party vice chair Harriet Smith Windsor are undeclared. Carper and Biden will wait to endorse until the end of the primary season.

    The one pickup was the unpledged add-on delegate, picked by the other delegates. Obama activist Rob Carver was picked.

    The count at the end of the day was 10 Obama, 9 Clinton, 4 undeclared.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Ya see? Once again Tom Noyes is the smartest guy in the room. This is why I read the blogs. Thanks Tom!

  3. Biden. I say Obama
    Party freakoids Carper and Daniello I say Clinton.
    That is all.

  4. jason330 says:

    The count at the end of the day was 10 Obama, 9 Clinton, 4 undeclared.

    Doesn’t exactly reflect the results of the primary does it?

  5. Rebecca says:

    Yes it does, because if you subtract the three “unpledged” delegates who have already declared for Clinton, we elected 9 pledged Obama delegates and 6 pledged Clinton delegates. The unpledged, elected, at-large delegate is technically unpledged but will go for Obama.

    The selection process was terribly involved and took a long time but it worked eventually. I spent six and a half hours — plus two hours of travel time — on a beautiful spring Saturday watching the process to make sure it was on the up and up. I am satisfied it was.

    Nance, as to the remaining 4 unpledged delegates, I don’t think they even know yet. My educated guess would be Biden leans Obama and Carper leans Clinton but they won’t decide until August. As to Daniello, my bet is he doesn’t know yet and the same for Harriet Smith-Windsor. As an old pal of the Governor and the Secretary of State, Harriet has been under enormous pressure to declare for Clinton and she has resisted it, which I take as a sign that she isn’t going to make a decision until she gets to Denver. But it’s all just guesswork.

  6. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the perspective Rebecca.

  7. I was guessing, of course. I disagree about Daniello because of his daughter’s pledge. They are like two polar stars revolving around each other. If you have ever see them together, they never keep more than a few feet apart and are always within eye contact. (that was in leg hall so maybe it reflected more of the two of them trying to stay on talking points but it was a bit disturbing) I say the daughter does what father ‘knows best’ ergo Clinton.
    I am much relieved to hear your view of Harriet’s inclinations. One should keep an open mind.
    Carper is a fellow DLC leader with Clinton and, as reported on this blog, is deeply involved with trying to keep the next DEM presidency Republican-lite.