Is Obama a 20footer?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 6, 2008

My brother has an old school hot rod.  He calls it a 20 footer. Apparently it means that if you get closer than 20 feet you start to see the problems with the paint job and some dents you didn’t notice before.   Well, again I think we need another reminder courtesy of Suburban Guerrilla (who I must say is getting me to see the light more and more each day) that Obama is still a freaking politician. 

Why does Obama keep repeating right-wing talking points?

MATTHEWS: Let me give you a scene that may face you in the next year or two, where the national security adviser calls you at 3:00 in the morning and tells that you a couple of jet — commercial jets have been hijacked. And they believe it is al Qaeda. And, as we know, al Qaeda always tries a second time. They tried for the World Trade Center after ‘93. They came back in ‘01. They’re heading for the Capitol. What do you do?

OBAMA: Well, look, I am hesitant to engage in hypotheticals like that, because…

MATTHEWS: But it has been predictable.

OBAMA: Oh, well, the — I don’t think anybody predicted 9/11. And, so, we don’t know what kinds of circumstances are going to come up.

Yes they did. Several times, in fact.

I would be all over Hillary for this, so there is no reason Obama should feel a little donviti style pain on this either.  Here goes.

What kind of fucking bullshit answer is that man?  What the flying fuck does this guy think happened on 9/11?  Seriously, is he is freaking afraid of saying what he wants to say that he has to say planes flying into a skyscraper is hypothetical.  Such pathetic double speak that makes me wonder what opinions this guy really has.  No ONE predicted 9/11?  Who is he fucking kidding?!!!!  Hello, OBAMA…KNOCK, KNOCK.  Bin Laden determined to Attack US?  Remember that piece of freaking paper dude? 

Christ almight man.  I’m voting for this guy to be president?  Is this the way Kennedy would have answered?  Pathetic man, just pathetic. 


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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    The last time he got into hypotheticals he was skewered for saying that he would bomb an ally, Pakistan.

    No one did predict the specifics of 9/11. If you want a specific diagnosis it has to be a real illness. And don’t think that tweety is above that. “OK, fine, but now there is a plane up there that may or may not be hijacked, do you shoot it down, too?”

    I like Obama because he doesn’t triangulate as much as Hillary. I like him because he is smart and will make the right decision when given a real scenario.

  2. donviti says:

    do you like him because he is handsome?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    No, that’s why I like you.

  4. donviti says:

    shucks, (turns red and kicks a stone with hands in pocket)

  5. donviti says:

    don’t think your “triangulate AS MUCH” comment was lost on me either.


  6. Pandora says:

    I hate hypotheticals. I wish he just refused to answer, but that would have been spun to make him look like he didn’t know what to do. If he’d said he’d take action then it would be said that he would kill innocent civilians. What is the right answer to this vague hypothetical? How about… one thing I wouldn’t do was sit there reading “My Pet Goat”.

    Hypotheticals are bullshit. It’s like asking a parent which one of their children they would choose to save in a fire.

    And I’ve always known Obama was a politician. The reason I supported him was because I agreed with him on most – not all – of the issues. I liked his tone and his message. I still do, but that doesn’t mean I view him through rose-colored glasses. He’s a politician, a really good politician with all the pros and cons associated with that word.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Well we agree that he is a politician. They all are. I just want the smartest and the one with the least political debts owed.

  8. liz allen says:

    Another air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job…so has former Governor Jesse Ventura! Anyone who can say for a fact that 911 was thoroughly investigated, that Building 7 came down 5 hours later…and was an obvious controlled demolition…havent studied the issue. I am not convinced the story the Bushies put the truth! There are simply too many engineers, scientists, and others who have done tests who are proving the 911 Commission didnt do its job….this like MLK, RK, and JFK will be around to haunt the american people for many decades.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    I’m with Pandora and LG on this one — how can it be a surprise that Obama is a politician? He does, unfortunately, fall into wingnut talking points, and that is a weakness (but I may be in the minority on this). Obama came over to the Daily Kos sometime back to defend himself after being excoriated for using wingnut frames to make a point and Obama was pretty roundly spanked for his weak defense and for not having a longer view of not using the right’s frames and talking points.

    Hillary is not exempt from too close association with the right’s infrastructure, and this doesn’t seem to cause the same rending of garments. I don’t think that Hillary is a right-wing Christianist or in danger of even becoming one — but this stuff makes you wonder where the inevitable triangulation will end up.

  10. Disbelief says:

    Just to put it into perspective, including Billary and McCain too, when these guys have been going 24/7 for a year, facing any question thrown at them, it sort of wears you down. Its like being the hottest blogger; you’re the focus of attention at all times and it causes emotional and physical fatigue.

  11. A. Bundy says:

    liz allen, what are you talking about!? Did you forget to take your meds again? Remember, pink in the morning, yellow in the afternoon.

    “Another air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job…so has former Governor Jesse Ventura!”

    Guess what, I just heard trolls live under bridges! What, and for how long, has Bush known about this!?

  12. Rebecca says:

    Matthews style is to make anyone he interviews look like an ass. It’s good for his ratings and good for his paycheck. It’s his mic and his agenda and anybody walking in is already severely handicapped. And, what Pandora and Cassandra and LG said too!

    If any of us truly believed the hog swallop they are peddling in the main stream media we wouldn’t be here.

  13. Rebecca, if I may, {{{mwah}}}!
    What she said.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    We all know the administration uses the “no one could have predicted…” line as an excuse for their lack of foresight and incompetence, but if you read the BO’s entire response to the question, and not the truncated snippet you, Suburban Gorilaz, then the blog which SG referenced, which referenced another blog post, and then another that happened to be a pro-HRC Huff Post blogger….you might notice what Obama said was a little bit different than the standard Bu$hCo response above.

    Obama said: “I don’t think anybody predicted 9/11”, which is different than saying: “No one could have predicted…”

    After reading the entire answer to Matthews’ question, for me, Obama’s statement is an assessment of our national and foreign intelligence failures under the Bush Administration, and an indictment against those involved agencies….

    I don’t believe Obama’s intent was to make an excuse, but an accusation.

  15. Well this Matthews likes that Matthews. His questions are sensational and ridiculous and completely entertaining. If I want serious policy discussions, I’ll pick up a newspaper, magazine or book. But when my brain is fried from a hard day of work, I want to watch nonsensical ranting and Chris Matthews fits that bill just fine.

  16. donviti says:

    But when my brain is fried from a hard day of work, I want to watch nonsensical ranting and Chris Matthews fits that bill just fine.

    Replace that Chris with Mike and that’s what I’d say too


  17. kavips says:

    Back to the original thread, the specific I would look for is how Obama handles the same scenario on its next pass. That will show us whether he learns from his mistakes. All, (even president’s) make mistakes. However some, which hail from the Republican party, just never seem to learn from them……………………………..

    And that is what is dangerous………