I’ve been a dummy, trying to figure out what Burris and Copeland were up to. It is always about the next election with these guys and getting a slight edge, regardless of the downstream shit mess they create.
This is what they’ve been working toward and why Copeland was all too eager to rush into WDEL this morning and delcare the Blue Water Wind Power Project dead. Here are the GOP talking points that will be drilled into your head for the next seven months:
- The wind power deal was killed in a secret meeting of Senate Democrats.
- Thurman Adams killed wind power along with Karen Peterson and Harris McDowell.
- The Republicans really loved wind power and were working hard to save it, but the Dem majority was too disiciplined.
At least I can stop wondering.
So now I guess it falls to John Carney. As El Somnambulo po9ints out inthe comments:
Is John Carney really pushing hard for windpower, or is he just paying it lip service?
The reason I ask is b/c Carney talks about how his relationships with legislators will enable him to lead effectively. Yet, when you go to his website, he lists Adams, McDowell and DeLuca among his supporters, as well as Joe Farley, Delmarva’s chief lobbyist on the issue.
If he is so effective, why has he had so little impact on this issue? Is it b/c he’s tried and failed, or b/c he really isn’t as committed to the issue as he claims?
I guess we’ll see how serious Carney is soon enough.