Can Hillary Clinton rise to the challenge?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Can Hillary Clinton, after losing the nomination, effectively campaign for Obama? Let’s be real, both Clinton and Obama need each others supporters. Can she deliver her base? How would she go about doing it? And, given that 2012 is only four years away, would she even want to?


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think Hillary is “all in” to use a poker term.

    She’ll probably say all the right things – but I think she knows that this is it for her.

  2. anon says:

    Who cares. This is not the time to fret over that.

    Anyway, HRC supporters are Democrats who are not likely crossover voters. There are D’s and I’s who will vote for McCain, but they are not in Hillary’s camp today.

    Worse is Bill saying about Obama “He can’t win…” that will haunt the campaign.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Hillary will still need to go back to the Senate and to her state and will have to do that in some productive way. Just picking up her marbles and going home won’t be good enough if she has some ambitions in the Senate. Picking up her marbles and going home certainly won’t give her a headstart on running on 2112 if that is what she wants.

    Bill, though, I think is different. I think he will jump in and go. Not so much for Obama, but because he just loves campaigning.

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    Who needs Bill & Hil when you’ve got…The Boss??!!:

  5. truth teller says:

    The real worry is not so much Hillary supporters but what will the obama supporters do if she gets the nod according to the way they Post on the Huffington Post they all state that they will not support her. So it appears that once again the dem’s may pull defeat from the jaws of victory. GO FIGURE

  6. Pandora says:

    Ummm… Huff Post is a pro- Obama site with a lot of bluster. Check out for some real venom.

    The point is that they need each others supporters. I can count on Obama giving a speech that will bring out most – not all – of his supporters. What will HRC do? I’m not betting on an inspiring speech.

  7. truth teller says:

    Had you been following her last week a poll said that 28% of her followers would not vote for Obama if he got the nod over her. like the true trooper that she is she rebuked that 28% with the words are you folks crazy. Of course MSNBC and others played that responce only once. However I still believe that when it comes to taking on the REPUK slime machine she is the best we have the Iron lady will match Charlie Black and that bunch blow for blow. Not sure about Obama he may try to stay above the fray and go down like Kerry did.

  8. Pandora says:

    He’s no Kerry! And… you still haven’t answered my question. What would HRC do to unite the party?

    I’m waiting…

  9. truth teller says:

    get herself elected president

  10. Pandora says:

    In your dreams. And, yet again, STILL have not answered my question!!!!

  11. truth teller says:

    I belived i have and i noticed that she kicked butt tonight

  12. Pandora says:

    On what issues? Flag pins? Rev Wright? The word Bitter? No mention of Columbia or Ferraro… hmm. I mean, if we’re talking about gaffes, let’s talk about all of them.

    Gibson and George S. sucked. No talk of the environment, education, poverty. No issues at all.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    That was a horrible debate. No one came out looking good. But certainly Obama did alot less pandering that Clinton did.

  14. Stella Bluez says:

    The debate was hosted by The National Constitution Center…..and not a single question about the Constitution…..what a wonderful forum for such a discussion…..I would love to know how these candidates are going to deal with the power-grab by the Bushies for the executive branch & the new VP branch of gov’t……..why can’t the media do it’s job & dig deeper for questions??

  15. truth teller says:

    The saddest part was Obama’s response to his relationship with the terrorist Ayers in stead of explaining it he responded like a 3 year old “Well Senator Clinton’s husband pardoned 2 weathermen” Reminds me of well johnny did it to. If this is the best he can do while under attack then charlie black and the slime machine will eat him alive. At least the Iron lady knows how to hit back

  16. Pandora says:

    He did just fine. The loser last night was the American public. ABC was a disgrace. The questions were all Repub talking points.

    Taxes, guns, and religion.

  17. truth teller says:

    Well at last we both agree that ABC and the two clowns they selected to ask the questions during the debate was a total farce. Nothing on Health care Jobs gas prices the falling dollar or anything that is impacting the average voter

  18. Kathy Giannini says:

    Neither Obama nor Clinton have viable stances on Iraq. Biden did. But he was drowned out in Iowa by a particular kind of campaigning that appeals to emotions rather than reason, with rhetoric rather than reason, with generalities rather than specifics.
    Political analysts have compared Obama to a screen onto which the voter projects his own desires. But be careful, it can be a smoke screen to hide the very “politics as usual” that Obama has more than demonstrated on many occasions.
    And the real “litmus test” in on the net. I live in France and when I can’t get “connected” to the latest polls, I know Obama is going down that day. It’s apparent that several different kinds of cyber-manipulation are being used. Pretend you’re a Clinton supporter for a day and leave a few postings on sites you don’t usually frequent and you’ll probably run into the same things: your screen gets stuck or your keyboard slows up or the title that you’re researching on Google gets switched around. Instead of “Hillary rising” , they put “Obama” rising.

    Obama is being marketed as skillfully as Bush was. Look up “Axelrod” and then decide who to vote for.