Sigh, thank god for bloggers

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008

Fox News Anchor’s Son, Peter Doocy, Asks John McCain About Hillary’s Drinking On Hardball College Tour

as if there was any doubt Fox News was capable of this….again

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  1. jason330 says:

    From the linked story:

    “There were some more serious questions. McCain said that he thought the strategy in Iraq was working.”

    And THAT gets no mention in the main stream media.

  2. Pandora says:

    The whole interview was a joke. Is this what we can expect from the MSM when it comes to McCain in the fall?

    Wonder if Matthews felt a tingle up his leg? What an ass.

  3. RSmitty says:

    While I was home recovering last week (on Friday), it was mentioned on CNBC (during market hours) that Matthews is covertly (not so much anymore, I guess) feeling out a challenge to Spector. I didn’t catch the whole thing, it was that last part that caught my attention. Would that be Chris Matthews? Is he from PA? From where I started listening, I never heard a first name, but they were certainly talking about a media-type.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Matthews has a brother in Montgomery County who is an elected official of some sort. Republican. Chris running for Spector’s seat is sort of funny since Chris now has years of complete idiocy available on tape for commercials. Frankly, I don’t get much of a work ethic from Matthews — mainly a great deal of belligerence and bluster — and I’d bet he doesn’t want to work any harder than he is working now.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Hmm…maybe it was his bro, then, but they were certainly leaning on a media person with the last name “Matthews” in that segment as a potential candidate. I can see where there could be confusion btw him and his bro if all they were doing was mining out a rumor-mill story.

  6. Pandora says:

    It is Chris Matthews who is toying with running. He’s been asked about this several times. He has NOT ruled a run out. In fact, on Colbert, Matthews said it has always been his dream to be a Senator.