Delaware Liberal

I agree with the Pope!

“Any tendency to treat religion as a private matter must be resisted,” he said.

AMEN and ALLAH AKBAR to you my friend!

here’s why I do….ALL religions need to be discussed in public. Can you imagine if Van Goh wasn’t murdered on the street because he drew a picture of Mohammed? Can you imagine being able to discuss abortion, IVF and stem Cell research in public without being shot down as immoral, godless and unpatriotic? It will allow the believers to be subject to further criticism. There won’t be anymore of this Religion is Private Crap that has completely backfired on us. Because we want it out of government liberals are evil…So I agree with the Pope in a way, I don’t agree with his slightly veiled way of saying Islam needs to be discussed, but ALL religions.

and this guys book, The Secular Conscience is a great read that totally supporst the Pope

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