Obama Responds To The “Debate”

Filed in National by on April 17, 2008


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (2)

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  1. June says:

    If you are outraged by last night’s debate, sign the petition from MoveOn.org. The media needs to hear from us.

    “Enough is enough. The public needs the media to stop hurting the national dialogue in this important election year. Can you sign the petition to ABC and other media outlets and pass it on to friends who are also fed up? Click here for our must-see video with excerpts from last night—and to sign the petition:


  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Honestly, MoveOn is just more of the same militant bullshit. (No offense June – because I generally loves me some militant liberal bullshit.) But, how about this – Obama explained exactly how to respond to the ABC debacle in the clip above. Channelling Jay-Z… go on brush your shoulders off!

    And vote BHO ’08!