Tim Smith Opens Campaign With Blistering Attack on Mike Castle

Filed in National by on April 17, 2008

I say “GO TIM GO!”

Fixing Washington’s Broken System

Our nation needs real leadership and vision to solve the serious problems that we face in today’s changing world. Congress has lost touch with the average American family’s needs and concerns. Now more than ever, we need leaders who will stand up for the values and principles that shaped our country’s foundation. Delaware does not need more career politicians or Washington insiders. Tim understands the struggles of our state’s families and will truly be a voice of the people.

Take that Mike Castle you fraud!!
Tim Smith is gunning for your ass!

Government spending is out of control, and if proposals being discussed right now in Washington were to take effect, families would be pinched even more. Tim will promote policies that create new opportunities for future generations instead of burdening them with debt.

POW!! Smith hits Castle right in the kisser. This Tim Smith is my kind of Republican.

I emailed called Castle’s office for a response to Smith calling him out like this, and I’ll pass along whatever I get back.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. anon says:

    This Tim Smith is my kind of Republican.

    Where does it say he is a Republican?

    He seems kind of to the left of Carper. I was hoping it was a primary challenge.

  2. R Smitty says:

    I emailed called Castle’s office for a response to Smith calling him out like this, and I’ll pass along whatever I get back.

    A protection order?

  3. Jason330 says:


    Why can’t more Republicans be like you?

  4. liz allen says:

    Left of Carper! Thats makes him RIGHT of center!

  5. RSmitty says:

    Why can’t more Republicans be like you?

    They would have to have the stomach to admit their current president(s) is(are) awful and is(are) an economic boob. Of course, I never did vote for him (or him), so that comes easy to me.

  6. anon says:

    He seems kind of to the left of Carper.

    I was being facetious. I can smell the concealed wingnuttery in his website.

  7. yeah for a Castle primary challenge~!~

    The DE GOP is too tight in the wad to float a decent candidate for governor so they’ll possibly be hard pressed to fork more over to Castle. This can drain some of his war chest and give the DEM nominee a more level field.

    KHN!!! let’s go Democrats.
    More, Better DEMs in DC.

  8. I read through Smith’s site and didn’t see anything much there. No big ideas. Vanilla GOP.

  9. shite Jason! your posts sometimes get me all twisted up. I thought this dude was challenging Castle from what was posted above (no linkees either)…

    Smith is going after Biden according to WNJ:

    Charging that six-term incumbent U.S. Sen. Joe Biden “cannot possibly represent the change in Washington the people of Delaware desperately want to see,” Republican entrepreneur Tim Smith launched his campaign Wednesday for Biden’s seat.

  10. Jim says:

    I’ve heard some not so flattering things about Smith. He’s been telling delegates outright lies in order to prevent a viable Republican from entering the race against Biden. My county chair said they’re trying to recruit a better candidate to run, but it’s hard since they still don’t have a gubernatorial candidate. Looks like this guy may skate into the nomination and embarrass us all.