Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue donviti style

I like mixing it up with Giovanni Feroce.  He is the italian meatball to my spaghetti.  It is fun to get him all worked up then pick him apart when he makes stupid typical GOP statements.  But, fret not Giovanni, I am not picking on you, merely using you as an example of all GOP people that support McCain, Bush, Castle and on and on.    Talk is one thing actions are another.  I can say I don’t support prostitution, but then when I got out and pay $20 for a blow job then I am not being true to my words.   Mr Straighshooter, has the same problem.  But, where GOP’s can find examples of Flip Flopping with the Dems, their visions gets all myopic and the parsing begins. 

I asked Feroce, to prove to me that McCain is different from Bush and support that statement with the votes against to back up his proof.  Well, this is the best he could do

Donviti: “Actions not words John. [McCain] can talk a good game all he wants but in the end he is still hugging falwell, voting against the troops and supporting torture.”

John; McCain is the most adament opponent of water boarding. What are you talking about?

Notice in the above statement there is no mention of an actual bill.  That could be an accident, but my guess is it isn’t.  He heard that McCain is against torture on the Radio and didn’t bother following up with facts.  Typical, understandable and pathetic all at once. 

So I found this: 

McCain Draws Criticism on Torture Bill

Senator John McCain’s vote last week against a bill to curtail the Central Intelligence Agency’s use of harsh interrogation tactics disappointed human rights advocates who consider him an ally and led Democrats to charge that he was trying to please Republicans as he seeks to rally them around his presidential bid.

 Your honor, I rest my case..

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