Comment Rescue: John Feroce Gives a Glimpse into The GOP Mind

Filed in National by on April 18, 2008

The Republican ability to live happily in an alternate reality never ceases to amaze me. John Feroce provides a textbook example of this vital GOP skill over at DP:

I want a transitional President and Bush’s main primary rival in 2000 fits the bill. I’ll be glad to look anew in 2012 for the fresh face you speak of…

So, when wingnuts vote for John McCain they will be voting for the 2000 McCain not the 2008 McCain.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (79)

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  1. John Feroce says:


    There are plenty of examples of businesses that have hired leaders who are older or served in leadership capacities decades ealier, who were called upon to lead again in order to steady the ship and restore it to its previous glory.

    Ever hear of Chrysler with Lee Iaccoca? or more recently Apple with Steve Jobs? There are those out there hoping Jack Welch returns to GE.

    I don’t know what your “comment rescuing” – you’re avoiding the fact an experienced steady hand is sometimes exactly what is needed.

  2. anon says:

    The sequel is always worse than the original.

  3. So do the rabid Clintonites. DWA’s newest punditeur, Dominique, claimed to so greatly fear an untested Obaman Presidency that she said that she will vote for McCain for president if Obama is the nominee. She supports this position with a string of adjectives that describe McCain 2000.
    My brother Frank, a DEM through and through but married to a GOPerhead, said that he ‘liked’ McCain and listed a few McCain 2000 attributes.

    The post ABC-DEM-debacle wingnut talking points assert that McCain will now be elected president. The whole thing was a sick set up to disparage the DEMs. Where is the Women’s League of Voters? was the topic of a HuffPo piece yesterday. No More Network Mouthpiece Moderated Debates Please.

  4. Pandora says:

    Steady the ship? Umm… is that the 2008 version of ‘Stay the Course’?

    Well, we stayed the course, hit an iceberg, and now the ship is sinking. I believe old men were put on the lifeboats after the women and children.

  5. donviti says:

    isn’t Chrysler back in the toilet? and didn’t they do well b/c they got bailed out by the Government?

    good example. Keep em coming. 20 years from now I’m sure John will mention the Head of Bear sterns that was able to turn them around in 2009


  6. RickJ says:

    You actually just stole the inaugural post from my soon to be released blog!

    Actually, the names are a little different, but you get the picture.

    “The Democrat ability to live happily in an alternate reality never ceases to amaze me. So, when libs vote for Jack Markell they will be voting for the ‘agent of change’, not the guy who sat in every cabinet meeting with RAM for eight years.”

  7. anon says:

    steady the ship and restore it to its previous glory.

    By “glory” I have a sneaking suspicion you are not talking about the peace and prosperity of the 1990s.

  8. Disbelief says:

    That’s a great idea! Let’s get George Washington!!! At least he won his war. And he’s not too much older than McCain.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Bring back,
    Bring back,
    Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me

    Bring back,
    Bring back,
    Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.

    A conservative melody. Sheesh

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    Dis -I feel the same. iIm writing in 1860 Lincoln. Yeah I realize he’s dead, but hey McCain almost dead so I don’t really see a big difference.

  11. jason330 says:

    McCain’s first car was an 186o Lincoln.


  12. John Feroce says:

    You guys blew it when you so easily dimissed Hillary after she proved herself by winning her Senate seat twice that she could overcome her husband’s baggage.

    You’re now stuck with an unvetted crybaby and your screwed in November and you know it.

    Hillary would have won, but you slammed the door on her breaking through the glass ceiling for women and for for what…a nobody? You all deserve to lose.

    I love the strategy…F old people and women.

    Good luck with that one.

    and one more thing..Hillary kicked his ass the other night and you know it.

  13. Pandora says:

    Republicans are getting nervous. Hillary would have won? Breaking through the glass ceiling?

    Oh, come on! You guys want Hillary so bad you endorse her and VOTE for her in the primary. Good luck with the reverse psychology.

  14. Dorian Gray says:

    John – My strategy is “don’t vote for old people and fuck woman” – but in the most literal way.

    Yeah, HRC really hit the glass ceiling. Nothing you say makes any sense.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    The Republicans are always trying to get to a steady-ship state. They always want a return to Ike or Reagan. A gentle old man that will make sure that thing just go along like they did in the old days.

    I can see McCain and Castle singing “Those Were the Days” behind an upright piano.

    Boy the way Glen Miller played
    Songs that made the hit parade.
    Guys like us we had it made,
    Those were the days.

    And you knew who you were then,
    Girls were girls and men were men,
    Mister we could use a man
    Like Herbert Hoover again.

    Didn’t need no welfare state,
    Everybody pulled his weight.
    Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
    Those were the days.

  16. anon says:

    Yeah but McCain said “We begin bombing in five minutes…”

    Oh crap, wrong kindly old man.

    McCain was the one who said “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”

  17. John Feroce says:

    “Yeah, HRC really hit the glass ceiling.”

    Who would be President if she had maintained the Dem support she had prior to the Hannah Montana crowd showing up to support an unaccomplished empty suit?

    So yes, she would have finally broken through, thus you’d have the first female President…you make no sense not me.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Remeber that “In Search Of…” Geek?

    Nimoy: Legend has it that “The Republican Daddy” has been encountered by many in these remote parts of the country.

  19. John Feroce says:

    Dorian Gray says
    “John – My strategy is “don’t vote for old people and fuck woman” – but in the most literal way.”

    I’m sure that’s how they’ll take it …then immediately shower.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    So then you’d be saying, “You Democrats appointed her to be your candidate with no serious challenger, while you have a charismatic African-American in the wings that would have given Hillary a run for her money. You would have had the first black President!”

    News Flash: We are going to have a black or a woman President. Most likely a black President. Just start preparing for you life as the member of the loyal opposition.

  21. John Feroce says:

    Good job hijacking the thread Jason.

    What was the line in the movie swingers? I’m money baby

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Here is some grainy footage of the Republican Daddy. Note the thin gray hair, the knowing smile. This footage was shot in the golf-cart infested streets of Scottsdale Arizona…

  23. I think John is correct, Hillary Clinton could have won against McCain but Obama does not stand a chance.

    Too bad for the Dems as the bad blood at the national level will bode poorly for the eventual nominee who I think will be Sen. Obama.

    Yes, one half of the country think Hillary rides a broom but she could have won. Mr. Obama is not ready for prime time at this point, the longer he talks the better it gets for McCain.

  24. John Feroce says:

    “Just start preparing for you life as the member of the loyal opposition.”


  25. donviti says:

    I love the strategy…F old people and women.

    as opposed to Mexicans and Homosexuals Giovanni?

  26. donviti says:

    Glass Cieling? Realllly?

    State Senator of NY, board of Walmart, Esteemed Lawyer, First Lady for 8 years. heck of a cieling to tap on, me thinks.

    what a maroon you are giovanni

  27. donviti says:

    I think John is correct, Hillary Clinton could have won against McCain but Obama does not stand a chance.

    this coming from a guy no one in his own party can stand….

  28. donviti says:

    What was the line in the movie swingers? I’m money baby

    you aren’t money, you are soooo not money, and you don’t even know it

  29. John Feroce says:


    We are talking about the presidency. It’s in that respect I invoke the term “glass ceiling”…don’t try and spin it, it’s not working.

    Typical DV fashion – attack the messenger. Insert latest Obama visual of brushing off his shirt sleeves…yawn.

  30. John Feroce says:

    “you aren’t money, you are soooo not money, and you don’t even know it”

    It was a joke regarding number of comments when I play.

    But you’re such a douchebag that you forget to laugh

  31. Pandora says:

    As a woman, I really resent the insincere “glass ceiling” spin. Come on, John. I know Hillary supporters. Hillary supporters are friends of mine. You, John, are no Hillary supporter.

  32. Disbelief says:

    I love Protack’s predictions.

  33. John Feroce says:

    ” You, John, are no Hillary supporter.”

    Pandora – you are absolutely right, I am not.

    It doesn’t mean I can’t comment on the situation. I believe I am correct on this, it was a missed opportunity for women, period…and it’s the Ds fault, because it was right there.

    However, let me stress that I think she is a much better candidate for President regardless of her being a woman because of her accomplishments and proven skills as opposed to an unaccomplished Obama.

  34. donviti says:

    oh I was laughing buddy, at you, not with you

  35. donviti says:

    However, let me stress that I think she is a much better candidate for President regardless of her being a woman because of her accomplishments and proven skills as opposed to an unaccomplished Obama.

    this coming from a guy that voted for bush 2x’s and supports McCain.

    You have a real eye for talent.

    Look into anyone’s soul lately?

  36. liberalgeek says:

    as opposed to an unaccomplished Obama.

    That’s what they said about Reagan. And Kennedy… And Lincoln…

    It’s what they should have said about Bush, but didn’t.

  37. John Feroce says:

    McCain’s not Bush…get over it.

  38. donviti says:

    really? prove it….

  39. John Feroce says:

    “as opposed to an unaccomplished Obama.
    That’s what they said about Reagan. And Kennedy… And Lincoln…”

    Geek…I’ll give you Lincoln, but Kennedy was a combat vet, Congressman and US Senator…Reagan the head of a union and long time Governor of a huge state. Obama is not even close.

  40. donviti says:

    Don’t forget Reagan was an Actor….which is way more important to your party than all the rest

  41. John Feroce says:

    “really? prove it…”

    DV…i’ll let you go research and find his birth certificate

  42. donviti says:

    isn’t being a Senator an Accomplishment? or did he hit the black glass cieling too

  43. donviti says:

    prove he is not bush Giovanni. Show me where he has been different over the past 8 years.

    I beg you

  44. donviti says:

    guy won’t even vote to increase the GI Bill. Weren’t you in the Military? Go ahead defend him, guy won’t support the troops. More open mouth BS from the old fart that talks about as straight as a fag hag wearing an outfit from Banana Republic

  45. John Feroce says:

    “isn’t being a Senator an Accomplishment?”

    He announced as soon as he was sworn in…he never even had a meeting as chairman of his subcommittee…until Clinton called him out on it, then he finally had one two weeks ago.

  46. John Feroce says:

    “More open mouth BS from the old fart that talks about as straight as a fag hag wearing an outfit from Banana Republic”

    The TNJ should run with your analysis…Obama suppirter says…

  47. John Feroce says:


    Ask if you can be in their next commercial

  48. Pandora says:

    John, let’s be real. While you’re entitled to voice your opinion over the Dem nominee, we are entitled to be suspicious. You guys have never hidden your hatred of all things Clinton. So why, given the past, would we accept your premise about HRC being able to beat McCain.

    Your candidate is weak, and (sigh) unloved by his own party. If I were a Repub I would be spinning like mad as well. Hillary is your best chance. She would unite the Repub. party in ways McCain can only dream of.

  49. donviti says:

    no examples of how McSame is different? What gives guy?

    I must have missed the votes in the Senate he didn’t agree with his GOP buddies over the past 8 years….

    waiting, waiting, waiting…..

  50. Disbelief says:

    Does the race for President seem eerily familiar to the Delaware race for Governor? That the GOP can’t find a candidate?

  51. John Feroce says:


    wait all you want I*lm on a train on my cell…so I’m not playing your game…his break in positions are well known.

  52. John Feroce says:


    You and DV better get your stories straight, you are contradicting yourselves.

    Back to the main point HRC supporters will vote McCain…start whining.

  53. donviti says:

    sigh, typical. Nothing.

    Actions not words John. He can talk a good game all he wants but in the end he is still hugging falwell, voting against the troops and supporting torture.

    straight talker my ass.

    you got nothing and you know it buddy.

  54. John Feroce says:

    “Actions not words John. He can talk a good game all he wants but in the end he is still hugging falwell, voting against the troops and supporting torture.”

    McCain is the most adament opponent of water boarding. What are you talking about?

  55. Pandora says:

    How are DV and I contradicting each other? We are tag-teaming. DV’s punching holes in your candidate and I’m calling you out on you sudden Hillary love fest.

    Different points. Same end. McCain’s toast.

  56. John Feroce says:


    you said McCain is not loved in the GOP…there are reasons for that…DV conveniently forgets them

    I have arrived to my destination…til the next time..ciao

  57. donviti says:

    I’m tag teaming Pandora!!!! wooohooooo

  58. donviti says:


    You see John, this is where you are typical. McCain SAID he was against it, then in the end he still VOTED with all the other GOP people.

    Come on man.

    Buck up buddy, try again

  59. Pandora says:

    I’m thinking there’s simply no excuse.

  60. Dorian Gray says:

    Regrettably this rant is so cliche. I hate myself for sinking to this level. I’d actually prefer the world sans blogs and certianly sans blog comments. I’m more a speaker than a typer.

    Please invite Johnny boy to the next drinking liberally. Fuck, I’d attend a drinking conservatively. I’d battle the god, guns, and innane rich white guy military shit just to TEAR YOU A FUCKING NEW ASSHOLE! I’d frankly relish the opportunity to humble you verbally(and any other way).

    My Friday prayer, “Dear imaginary sky dad, please afford me the chance to meet signore Feroce, the fucking squid of all squids. I know I don’t believe in you, but if you would furnich me the opportunity, then we could discuss some possible church attendance.”

    Go open the coffin and suck Reagan’s cock!

    Best regards,

    Oscar Wilde’s Greatest Character

    P.S. I’m looking forward to our date.


  61. skydad says:

    So you have asked my son so it will be done. One meating you shall be grantid with Mr. Meetbull.

    Ron’s cock is rotted so I got him Nancy instead

    Your loving voice up in the stars



  62. Dorian Gray says:

    I have had my epiphany! Imaginary skydad, tell meet the location and I’ll shall humble the conservative douche bag Feroce. FYI – I don’t wear a flag pin and I favor slightly higher taxes on mega millionaires, so I am clear a communist. I hope you can forgive me.

    Your obedient servant,

    Dorian Gray

  63. skydad says:

    deels off, no flag pin killed it prick

  64. John Feroce says:


    I’m good Tues through Thurs next week.

  65. John Feroce says:

    Please invite friends and family.

    I want your humiliation to be as wide spread as possible.

  66. Disbelief says:

    In that case, how about having the Drinking Liberally JUST ONCE BELOW THE CANAL FOR THE LOVE OF SKYDAD!!!

  67. Dorian Gray says:

    Tuesday through Thursday on the moon? I am not going to be able to find the exact location through religious revelation you fucking clown. You were in the military right, give me some coordinates so I can call in a god damn airstrike…

    Maybe you could pull some neat Army shit. Or perhaps some Nixon dirty tricks….

  68. John Feroce says:


    If you’re serious name the spot.

    Remember friends and family.

    You like to talk like a big man…now lets see if you have the balls to back it up.

    I will be glad to provide you the verbal beating of your life or if sanctioned any other type too.

  69. A. Bundy says:

    We are all waiting, Dorian.

  70. Dorian Gray says:

    Don’t know what’s convenient for you. I’m in Newark. Will U of D work or is that to liberal?

    I would like to cut through the ridiculous bullshit and get to the heart of the matter. May I select the discussion topic? How about something nice and broad?

    “The epitome of hubris – Progressive government in Democratic societies”

    Issue – Why is every other “western” democratic more “liberal” that the U.S..? Are the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, UK, Germany, Japan, Canada, France, Sweden, etc., etc, Communist, Socialist… abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, legalized drugs, legalized prostitution, higher (much higher) taxes, socialized medicine (or at least social insurance), strong anti-gun laws, and so on, and so on….

    My position is that the U.S. is the least liberal democracy on the planet. Do you agree? If so, are we so superior to every other democracy? Why? Because my grandfather said so? Hubris! Traditional is given far too much reverence!

    How about this, Delaware Liberal sponsors the discussion. I’m game. Anywhere in New Castle County… I don’t go below the canal, the rubes down there are bitter and cling to guns and god. Oh, and I don’t need friends and family, but you can bring whoever you’d like.

    Jason, Liberal Geek, Donviti……… you guys could moderate? Maybe co-moderate with a conservative fool…

    No fucking stupid pop culture topics… hardcore shit… can you guys put something together?

  71. Dorian Gray says:

    I gave you 30 minutes. I am out for the weekend. Donvitit knows how to reach me.. I think an old school public throwdown would be the shit. DV – Call me to set it up.

  72. John Feroce says:

    I just got home.

    You can do all the BS you suggested in a circle jerk with your friends at the library.

    My offer if you want to really play:
    One of the following topics –
    1. The War – how do we handle it in the next 24 months?

    2. The upcoming Presidential election – Obama vs McCain

    3. Liberal vs Conservative leadership in the United States; what we need going forward

    Opening remarks to include background and qualifications on said topic (coin flip)

    30/45 minute debate (questions from the audience)

    15/30 minutes – ask each other questions ( 3 each)

    Lastly, a closing statement (coin flip)

    Get it done…I’ll be there.

    *No video or audio recordings if you want to take the gloves off or any a/v you want as long as we both agree to refrain from profanity

    I’ll be busy through Sunday too, DV can reach me by email.

  73. Background and qualifications on said topic? How about US Citizen tax payin prick.

  74. John Feroce says:


    I should have said relevant experience.

    You have a nice day too.

  75. Heh,. believe it or not, that was not meant to be a description of you, Mr. Feroce, as you seem to have taken it.
    I was thinking that any old one of us is able to debate these common themes of American life.

  76. John Feroce says:

    Thanks Nancy for the follow up.

    I would just add that I thought some additional background or relevant experience would provide a further understanding for the audience as to why we hold a particular view.

  77. Disbelief says:

    How about the Moose Lodge in Camden? Beers are cheap, and they still give you glass bottles, so if one of the master debators sucks, they’re great to throw.

  78. R Smitty says:

    DIS! No! FAIRWAYS INN! C’mon! If you REALLY want to give ’em South of the Canal experience! Make it an all nighter followed by a Helen’s Sausage House (nationally recognized, btw) visit in the dawn hours.

    I don’t go below the canal, the rubes down there are bitter and cling to guns and god.
    Is this a good time to mention where Jason clutches to his paranoia and guns AND that he goes to church?
    (Sorry, J. I’ll still help you manage that deck building project of yours)

  79. John Feroce says:

    “Beers are cheap, and they still give you glass bottles, so if one of the master debators sucks, they’re great to throw.”

    Only if they have “rawhide” playing on the jukebox