Delaware Liberal

Harris McDowell Vs. Reality: Senator McDelmarva’s Bogus “Report” Recieved As Such

People are clearly seeing through McDowell’s “Final Report” scam.

Tommywonk has a great take down of the McDowell report’ fraudulence here.

Back in January, Harris McDowell promised that his hearings and the subsequent report would be “fair, above board and impartial.” If that had been the case, then the minority report would not have been necessary.

For instance, I offered testimony to the committee demonstrating that the argument that we can’t afford wind power was based on an assumption that natural gas prices would go down instead of up. The minority report details how that assumption is unwarranted. The committee report ignores the point entirely.

But the MSM is even taking McDowell’s report with a truckload of salt. The Delaware State News Drew Volturo gives Karen Peterson’s response to the report as much weight as the report itself AND points out that McDowell is basically a rogue chairman – leaving voted on sections out his final report and adding material that had not been discussed in the committee.

Reports on wind power trade blows
Senators issue opposing views of energy proposal
By Drew Volturo

Delaware State News DOVER — The Senate re­leased dueling reports Wednes­day blasting and championing a proposed 25-year agreement to build a wind farm off the coast of Rehoboth Beach.

The Senate Energy & Transit Committee issued its 124-page report and appendices on re­newable energy, which con­cluded that there were “several flaws” in the process to reach the proposed contract between Delmarva Power and Bluewa­ter Wind LLC.

Two committee members, Sen. Karen E. Peterson and Sen. Catherine L. Cloutier, ob­jected to the report and fi led their own eight-page minority report Wednesday. “The purpose of our re­sponse is to give some balance to the biased proceedings of the committee,” said Sen. Pe­terson, D-Stanton. “The hear­ings were manipulative and the report is a continuation of that manipulation.”

Sen. Peterson said several changes were made to the draft report after the commit­tee approved the final version last week, while other changes voted upon were not incorpo­rated.

“There is new analysis not in the draft included in the final ver­sion and it’s all negative,” Sen. Pe­terson said, pointing to comments from University of Delaware pro­fessor Edward C. Ratledge on analysis about “higher electricity costs associated with the Bluewa­ter Wind proposal.”

McDowell is out of control. Someone mentioned impeachment last week. I think it is practically impossible to impeach a Senator in Delaware, but at this point it needs ot be looked into.

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