Jack Markell killed two birds with one stone at the environmental debate on Tuesday. He put John Carney in a very tough spot and advanced the cause of off shore wind power for Delaware by making a simple observation.
Here is the deal, when wind power came up Markell explained the special influence the Lt Gov has over the state senate (as it’s part of the job, presiding over it) and Carney accepted the challenge to get the senators on board. That is great news.
The NJ’s Beth Miller gave the exchange short shrift, but think about it, Markell totally owned Carney.
If Carney does get the three votes in the Senate that we need to pass HCR 38 then big deal he is only doing his job AND he might not have done it unless Markell forced his hand. Conversely, if Carney fails to get the Senate to pass HCR 38 this session, then Carney’s whole rationale for being Governor (that he can work with people to get things done) dissipates into a mist.