Delaware Liberal

Early Primary Over/Under Betting Lines

Here is what the bookies are taking bets on right now. Please note that the totals for any given race don’t equal 100% because each outcome is an independent bet. [E.g. I’d bet $1.00 that Karen Hartley-Nagle gets more than 58% in the primary.]

As with any betting line, if there is too much money flowing to one outcome the lines will be adjusted accordingly so that the bookies make money regardless of the outcome.

US Senate (Republicans)

Christine O’Donnell the over/under is 63%
Tim Smith the over/under is 30%

US Congress (Democrats)

Karen Hartley-Nagle the over/under is 58%
Mike Miller the over/under is 33%
Jerry Northington the over/under is 15%

Governor (Democrats)

John Carney the over/under is 51%
Jack Markell the over/under is 51%

Governor (Republicans)

Bill Lee the over/under is 52%
Mike Protack the over/under is 45%

Lieutenant Governor (Democrats)

Matt Denn the over/under is 55%
Ted Blunt the over/under is 45%

Lieutenant Governor (Republicans)

Charles LaMont DuPont VonCopeland the over/under is 90%
Eric Buckson the over/under is 9%

Insurance commissioner (Democrats)

Gene Reed Jr. the over/under is 45%
Karen W. Stewart the over/under is 25%
Tom Savage the over/under is 25%

Insurance Commissioner (Republicans)

John Brady the over/under is 97%

Only wager what you can afford to lose.

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