Delaware Liberal

Guilt By Association

It’s funny, It’s what the GOP does all day long.  Look no further than our little buddy at FSP.  It’s what he does all day long.  Then when Jason does it, it simply doesn’t apply.    Jason is wrong and ill informed.  It’s amusing.  It’s a tool that has been in their kitchen since 1952 apparently.  Like a butcher that is skilled at cutting apart beef, Republicans and their little bitches all the way down at the local level prefer it as their main tool against ideas.   You see, ideas can’t be any good because well, the idea maker read a book by Marx.   Idea + read a book by Karl Marx = Communist!  Boogity, Boogity.  Crazy Black Pastor (ie Priest but black) is magically a “spiritual advisor”  Spiritual Advisor = Voodoo Priest = Crazy.   Attend Church with Voodoo Priest = Crazy = Not fit to lead country.

It’s a neat trick and one they don’t like being used on themselves too much.  I don’t blame them.  It’s going to be a fun election when we get to see a white guy’s spiritual advisor blame the homo’s for katrina and that equal Not fit to lead country. 

What’s sad though is that this guilt by association is happening by Hillary and is the only tool she has in her shelf.  Andrew Sullivan said it best today on how to combat this tactic being used by Hillary and the GOP

don’t let these people smear your future away. It only works if you let them get away with it.

It’s hard not to feel kicked in the balls.  Seeing this idiot Wright out there is like seeing your brother defending your ex-wife in court.  It’s horrible and show’s his true self.  Sad and sadder when you think about how the Clinton’s, THE CLINTON’s, of all people are relishing in it. The Dem’s are using McCarthyism on their own kind. No wonder there are pure idiots out there in our own backyard listening to Rush Limbaugh and switching their party affiliation to vote for Hillary in the Pa Primary.  What’s not to wish for? Who wouldn’t want to have Hillary run against them. It will be a field day for them.  And here is Hillary lapping it all up.  Like the prom queen picked to lead as a joke, she doesn’t get it.  Her supporters don’t get it and of course our “liberal media” sucks on the cock being fed to them by Bill himself. 

So take hear in Andrew Sullivans word’s “my friends”

Don’t let these people smear your future away. It only works if you let them get away with it.

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