Jason is a polar bear expert!

Filed in National by on May 2, 2008

UPDATE: I am on hold as I type this….3rd in line….oh boy, will I get to be on the air?  What will I say?

 Ok, I’m live listening and jason just slammed Harris McDowell.  Said that McDowell is a self described energy expert.

Jason also said he could call himself a polar bear expert if he wanted and no one could disagree.  AWESOME

Update:  Jason is ripping him now baby!  Talking about McDowell’s business partners.  Mascitti said, “sort of his partner, I don’t want to say, crime, but…”

My only critique thus far is I don’t know which blog Jason blogs on….

Update:  Let’s talk about natural gas prices.  Because we all know that over time, fossil fuel costs always go down.  Keep punching holes Jason!   Why isn’t the SEU supporting green energy? 

 Critique:  You know Al, you could say after a break, we are talking with Jason from Delawareliberal.net…come on man!

Al: The Monte Carlo of Delaware legislature (SEU)  Nice one Al

I wonder if Burris is pulling his hair out?

Update:  Keep pulling this thread, now let’s talk about a retiree letter in the Snooze Journal that oh just happens to “have a dog in the fight” to use Al’s words.  Oh, that retiree just happens to be employed by SEU and has set up an office in Delaware now.  Times are good I guess…



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  1. Where’s Delaware’s Polar Bear Expert When We Need One? « kavips | September 1, 2008
  1. Pandora says:

    I loved the polar bear comment! Jason is doing great!

  2. Yup. We need to publish a list of those in the House during the de-reg vote who had to recuse on round number one and then voted for de-reg later after changing the House rules.
    Many of them are still in the Assembly. I wonder how many went on to become lobbyists for one of the special interests keeping us DOWN in this state.

    There is an SEU meeting next Monday at 10 AM at Buena Vista on Route 13 outside of Wilmington.
    And The Clean Air Council invites you to participate in an energy round table on Tuesday, May 6, 10:00 am till Noon in the House of Representatives Chambers, Legislative Hall, Dover.
    To rsvp, please call John Flaherty at 302-521-0394

  3. anon says:

    Keep going after SEU and McDowell in all the gory details.

    The parallels to TMA are striking, with the creation of an unaccountable board with scope beyond what is required for its mission.

    Step back a moment and consider: What Jason has uncovered is nothing less that the business model for corruption in Delaware.

    So from now on, every time any board is proposed in legislation, a red flag should be thrown on the field and all eyes should scour the legislation and its possible ramifications.

    By the way, pay attention to Copeland’s suggestion to subsidize employee health insurance, and to privatize Medicaid services. No doubt these plans would require a “board” to select the destination of the money.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Does Jason blog? He has a blog? Which one? Where is it? Is it a Republican blog?

  5. Al just gave the DE Liberal its due.
    Great radio, congrats WDEL.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Does anyone else think Jason sounds like a smoker?

  7. His husky bedroom voice? Move over DV and LG~!

  8. RSmitty says:

    Is Jason actually still there? Maybe a smoke break? (Al and Kowalko segment)

  9. Pandora says:

    Wow! Jason has really connected the dots! Loved his challenge to set prices and see who’s right in the end!

  10. FSP says:

    Why would I be pulling my hair out?

  11. cassandra m says:

    The challenge was great! Congrats and very nice job, Jason!

  12. the truth always seems to give you fits

  13. RSmitty says:

    DHB zings into the show!

  14. Pandora says:

    Don???? Love it!!

    You are hot! LOL!

  15. Rebecca says:

    Outstanding Jason! Who ever would have thought you would be a star on WDEL a few years back. We’re all so proud Jason!

  16. Pandora says:

    Jason, You rock!

  17. Al Mascitti says:

    Wow. I’ve never had the show live-blogged before. Thanks, all.

  18. Tyler Nixon says:

    Great show, Jason…and Al, of course. I hope many citizens tuned in and got righteously outraged enough to make their voices known to their legislators.

    Unfortunately I think litigation may be required to stop McDowell from running this thing unlawfully, unless the legislature takes the SEU more seriously than as McDowell’s personal fiefdom (as Jason put it).

    Otherwise, END it and let’s try something different…like not trying to control, regulate, and bureaucratize ANY resources out of emerging renewable energy markets, in the name of having some paper tiger political hybrid of a government entity supposedly help them along. Yeah help them, my a**.

    Are you going to get the audio up, Jason?

  19. anon says:

    I didn’t hear the whole thing… Did anyone call in and defend McDowell? Did anyone challenge the discovery that authorization had expired?

  20. jason330 says:

    WDEL is cool. It is great for bloggers to have this point of contact with the rest of Delaware media – I cant thank Al enough for having me on.

    Everyone was very cool. Al, of course, is cool.

    Loudell is cool, Gerald the guy who runs the boards for Al is cool.

    Even Rick Jensen seems cool (or at least at cool as it is possible for a crazy right-wing ideologue to be.)

    Also thanks for the positive comments in this thread.

    I’ll try to write a complete post sometime this week.