Delaware Liberal

OMG Charlie Copeland is such a huge loser and fraud

I missed this because I was busy all of Sunday, but get a load of Copeland at the end of the recent Aaron Nathans article in the NJ:

Copeland said the SEU concept is a good one, and environmentalists should put aside their differences with McDowell and embrace it.

“Senator McDowell has skepticism about parts of the Babcock and Brown proposal for offshore wind, and some people, I believe, have taken that personally,” Copeland said. Bluewater is owned by Babcock.

“Sometimes politics gets personal, but the SEU in particular will be, in my opinion, a huge benefit in reducing our energy consumption,” Copeland said.

How much is wrong with this loser who wants to be the Lt. Governor? Let’s tally it up.

1) Senator McDowell has skepticism about parts of the Babcock and Brown proposal for offshore wind Really? Well spit it out Charlie, what’s McDowell’s problem with Babcock and Brown. This is the first we are hearing about it, so why not step up Mr. Open Government?

2) …and some people, I believe, have taken that personally, … and just who are these prickly people? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe McDowell’s outright lies in support of Delmarva Power and his brazen attempts to turn the SEU into his very own cash cow have rubbed some people (90% of Delawareans) the wrong way?

3) “Sometimes politics gets personal, but the SEU in particular will be, in my opinion, a huge benefit in reducing our energy consumption,” Hey dumbass, nobody disputes that a decently run SEU is a good idea. The whole point of the criticism is that the SEU should not be turned into Harris McDowell’s personal piggy bank.

Dumbass is probably the wrong word. Copeland is smart enough know all of this is complete bullshit. That fact that he would put this BS out speaks volumes about his low charachter.

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