I will be the first one to tell you I know very little about our nations history, especially when it comes to the Emanicipation Proclamation. So I read, I don’t read 60 books in a year like Bush does, but I read a few dozen give or take 3. I was watching GMA yesterday and Laura and Chuckles Bush were in front of the monument with the black lady that has breast cancer…awww….
It was great, Bush said that He admired Lincoln and said that the “all men are created equal” mantra that Lincoln set forth was what made him his bestest ever President. Never short of awesome reporting the dying woman jumped in and said, but Mr. Bush, “What about the ‘enemy combatants’, homosexuals and terrorists?”
I’m kidding, she didn’t…but wouldn’t that have been funny? To you know, challenge a moronic statement by a man that suspended the constitution and has tried to use weasel words to get around the geneva conventions to torture another human being?
Well, what was even more ironic here was that on Sunday I picked up the book
Big Enough to Be Inconsistent
Abraham Lincoln Confronts Slavery and Race
George M. Fredrickson
It really was a stroke of luck that I had picked up this book. I had never read anything on Lincoln and figured it was about time to learn about him. The book is short and I think is meant to be the type of book that highlights the biggest points of discussion regarding Lincoln and his all mean created equal. What is more amazing is that I wonder if Bush really knows anything about the guy. I wonder if he even knows that more than a few people believe Lincoln wanted a seperate colony for blacks. That the real reason the slaves were freed is because so many went North and joined the military there was little choice. That several prominent people, (no not prominent Delawareans) prominent Blacks like Du Bois and Lerone Bennet considere Lincoln a raging racists.
But I haven’t finished the book and while I’m not saying Lincoln wasn’t a great President that faced challenges. I am saying, my guess is, Bush doesn’t know jack shit about the guy.
Oh and read the book it is only about 120 pages and for a novice it is good high level read of the more controversial opinions that surround Lincolns Presidency.