Delaware Liberal

Predictions Thread — I Must Have Those Ruby Slippers Edition

All right, so you’ve heard that there is another primary election tonite, so everybody get your prognosticator’s hat on and tell us:

1. Dem Finish Order IN

2. Dem Final percentage IN

3. Dem Finish Order NC

4. Dem Finish Order NC

5. Overall (include both IN and NC) Delegate Net for the evening (Candidate +/- x)
Bonus Question:
1. McCain winning percentage both states.

2. The Media narrative on how this long primary makes McCain the shoe-in in November.

Winner is the closest guess on all 5 main questions and the bonus questions are tiebreakers (and may make you the winner if the answer is funny enough). Winner gets a copy of this great book.

All you readers and lurkers have until 6:30 EDT to get your prediction in.

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