Harris McDowell and Charlie Copeland Condone Delmarva Power’s Illegal “Public Notice” Anti-Wind Power Advertisments

Filed in National by on May 7, 2008

In today’s NJ, Aaron Nathans points out Delmarva Power broke the law when it used the term “Public Notice” in it’s fraudulent and lying ad campaing to undermine the pending off shore wind power project.

Unfortunately, he failed to tie in the fact that Harris McDowell and Charlie Copeland are using the Senate Energy Committee in a complicit campaign to discredit the wind power project.


The article states that when asked to explain its bogus and fraudulent cost projections,

“(Delmarva spokesman Bridgett Shelton) said that information was based on the company’s private projections. She said that company’s consultant had made the estimate earlier this year in public testimony before the Senate Energy Committee.” – DTE no link

Shelton’s use of the Senate Energy Committee to legitimize her company’s use of fraudulent and misleading information in the illegal advertisement should have drawn a quick rebuke from Charlie Copeland, and Harris McDowell. Unless of course it was part of the Copeland/McDowell/Delmarva strategy to use the Senate Energy Comittee hearing process to disseminate Delamrva Power’s fraudulent information.

Was that the plan Charlie?

Charlie Copeland’s silence on this illegal advertisement and his ongoing suppor for Delmarva Power speaks volumes about his fitness for elected office. As for McDowell – that case is closed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (52)

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  1. FSP says:

    Huh? The Senate committee is responsible for the company’s private projections? Huh?

    Why don’t you just write a post that says “I don’t like Charlie Copeland.” It would have more validity than this.

  2. jason330 says:

    Why don’t you eat me?

    But seriously folks.

    Copeland pretneds to want to serve in elected office – so SERVE already. He is a state Senator isn’t he? I mean, he has not given up his seat yet has he?

    I happen to think that Delmarva Power should not be using the Senate Energy Comittee “hearings” to disseminate false information and that the energy comittee should have something to say about being used in that way.

    You don’t.

  3. FSP says:

    “I happen to think that Delmarva Power should not be using the Senate Energy Comittee “hearings” to disseminate false information and that the energy comittee should have something to say about being used in that way.”

    I agree. I also think that you shouldn’t use Delmarva Power’s evils to score political points against a powerless member of the minority, just because he’s running for office as a Republican.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Awww poor Charlie. If he wasn’t so deep into this he could use it as a campaign issue, but he gave up any right to do that when he failed to take decisive action on the Energy Committee.

  5. david says:

    Charlie Copeland controls Delmarva Power’s advertising ? I didn’t know.

  6. jason330 says:

    Charlie Copeland: Vote for me, I’m an impotent victim of circumstances!

    That could work for you…I guess.

  7. TommyWonk says:

    Actually Senator Copeland does have the power of his vote.

    The one-sided Energy & Transit Committee report could not have made it out of committee if Copeland had not voted yes.

  8. FSP says:

    Are we ignoring his support of the release of all BWW-DPL related financial documents from the Energy Committee?

    Try to whistle past the graveyard all you want. When it dies, the people will know that it was the Senate Democrats who killed it.

  9. FSP says:

    Not to mention that there’s no reference to the Senate Energy Committee in the ads.

    You’re reaching, but you can’t reach that far.

  10. Dave,

    Have some fucking spine and realize your guy is just as big a part of the problem as McDowell. I know you’re in deep with the GOP and you can’t say anything that would dare offend their enlightened golden boy Sen. Copeland, but come on, man. You go after Jason from time to time for playing too nice with the Democrats. Jason isn’t attached at the hip to the Dems nearly as much as you are to the GOP.

    You just need to admit defeat on this one. You can’t win no matter how much you think you can. Either repudiate Copeland or just stop spinning. One or the other. But your continued obfuscations do you no good.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Dave, you may pound the drum on this but Copeland won’t. He knows he’s got no credibility on this issue.

    Someday you R’s will wake up and try a little reality. Until then, buh-bye, you are totally irrelevant.

  12. FSP says:

    I can’t believe that you would even try to argue that the Senate Democrats don’t control the fate of BWW.


    We’ll see who’s irrelevant in the fall.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll take that wager. What’s the over/under on the number of statewide offices held by republicans after the election, Dave?

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Also, we have thoroughly spanked our guys also. You seem to have forgotten that we have drawn Democratic blood here as well as Copeland’s. If your defense is that Charlie was bound and gagged, so he couldn’t stand up for what he believes, fine. Play that one out.

  15. FSP says:

    There’s a big gulf between involved and responsible.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Isn’t your knock on Carney and Markell that they didn’t stand up and say that something was wrong? And yet your guy just sits on his hands while McD and Adams screw around.

    We are fighting with all we’ve got and your boy watches, happy to claim that the Dems were the bad guys when it all goes to hell.

  17. FSP says:

    “Isn’t your knock on Carney and Markell that they didn’t stand up and say that something was wrong? ”

    That they didn’t EVER stand up and say something was wrong. Copeland’s done more standing up than anyone on the Dem ticket.

    Copeland is opposed to the wind farm being paid for by a small group of Delawareans, which is why he proposed the regional solution. Plus, he voted against HB 6 in the first place. But being opposed to it and being responsible for its demise are two very different things.

    Ask the UD guys or the CCP people. They’ll tell you they disagree with Copeland, but have no problem with him like they do with McDowell & DeLuca.

  18. Al Mascitti says:

    “We’ll see who’s irrelevant in the fall.”

    If that’s your stance, you’ve all but conceded already.

    Just acknowledge the truth, Dave: Without the tacit support, or if you prefer the lack of opposition, from Charlie Copeland, McDowell was free to do his worst. Copeland could have made a difference and chose not to. You’re whistling past the graveyard yourself if you think voters are going to distinguish between “against BWW” and “tried to kill BWW.”

    All that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I’m not sure Charlie’s a good man, but he certainly did nothing.

  19. Andy says:

    At least Mr Copeland should act like he part of the Loyal Opposition on this issue if he in fact is
    If he truly believes Pepco, Mc Dowell and the rest are wrong then he should come out and say so not only with his voice but his vote. he has done neither

  20. FSP says:

    “Without the tacit support, or if you prefer the lack of opposition, from Charlie Copeland, McDowell was free to do his worst. ”

    No, the support came from Tony DeLuca and Thurman Adams, who allowed Harris to do what he wanted.

    Copeland has stood up on transparency, open government, the desk drawer veto, and what has happened? The Senate Dems remind him he’s in the minority and show him the door.

    The limit of his exposure here is that he opposes the BWW project based on the fact that his residential constituents have to pay for it. Everything else was McDowell, DeLuca and Adams.

    And he did stand up, when he publicly called on the Dems to honor CCP’s FOIA request for all financial documents relating to the BWW project and the Energy Committee hearings. And he stood up in calling for a regional wind farm larger than BWW. And he stood up in calling for the Senate to vote on the resolution.

    But that doesn’t fit into your “Hang Copeland” scheme. So sorry.

  21. Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Dave. Give it a fucking rest. Al, Jason, et. al have already hanged the Dems in question and you’re having such a damn hissy fit because they’re rightly calling out a man who didn’t so much as put up a simple fight to call them on their bullshit?!? Come on, now. The only transparency you’re guilty of is your own; you’re so transparently partisan that it makes the discussion ridiculous. Face the fact: Charlie Copeland is a Republican. Ergo, Dave Burris can’t say a negative thing about him. Isn’t the smartest choice to just remove yourself from the equation? I mean, we don’t see Molly Jurusik or John Daniello on these blogs, do we? Well, John probably doesn’t know to operate a damn computer, but you get my point. You’re a GOP operative. Everything you say on these blogs must be taken from the perspective that they’ve already been filtered through your GOP sieve.

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    He did nothing, Dave. When he was invited to the breakfast, he could have stood up and said, “I won’t be party to this.” He did nothing.

    When McDowell tried hijacking the SEU, Copeland could have said, “I won’t stand for this.” He did nothing.

    When McDowell hijacked the Energy Committee for hearings, Copeland could have thrown in his lot with Karen Peterson and Cathy Cloutier, thereby denying any report from that bogus dog-and-pony show. Copeland did nothing.

    You’re right, Dave. Copeland has done nothing to kill the Bluewater Deal. He’s done nothing at all.

  23. FSP says:

    You are doing a great job of ignoring the three items presented.

    “I mean, we don’t see Molly Jurusik or John Daniello on these blogs, do we?”

    No. They’re too busy putting out error-laden and ridiculous press releases with their allowance money from the DNC.

  24. kavips says:

    Go ahead, Dave try to change the subject.

    Adams and McDowell are not up for a vote. DeLuca and Copeland are. (Who is your side putting up against Deluca. I’ll get him or her in.)

    Copeland is the only one who, anyone mad at Delmarva can vent their frustration upon. And thanks to him, they can now do it statewide….

    You are forgetting his early support of Delmarva and his early statements in support of McDowell. I have them ready and waiting…….

    Your attempt to frame the argument is good only up until the general public is made aware that they can show their frustration with Delmarva by voting for anyone other than Copeland….

    Politics is local, man……I hope he’s picked his burial plot.

    (What’s a shame, he truly could have been a good candidate…..but he was just stupid, stupid for going against 90% of Delaware on the Bluewater Wind deal…..He should have just shut his mouth.)

  25. Anon2 says:

    Well, actually Charlie has done something, sort of. He has withdrawn himself from the Big Fat Head committee. He’s sending Still in to replace him. I guess he thinks it looks bad for his open government image to be part of the BFH committee any longer. Or, could it be it just doesn’t serve his needs any more. One look at his Legislative record and we can all see he’s made underwhelming accomplishments during his tenure. I guess that’s one reason to aspire to be Lt Gov. It is the epitomy of useless accomplishments to be elected to such a do nothing, powerless position. By the time this state is ready for a republican governor again, Charlie will be remembered as the senator who accomplished nothing and the guy who fell on the sword for the republican party when they lacked a credible candidate for any and all state wide offcies….even after their convention.

  26. FSP says:

    Well, guys, we’ll all be there at the end to find out, won’t we?

    And that was a great move if Copeland took himself off of Big Head. That way they can’t use it as a weapon against him. Smart.

  27. Bopeep says:

    Copeland is a corporate clone that will get his ass handed to him this fall. He and McDowell are jioned by the hip.

  28. Arthur Downs says:

    If the Bluewater Scam was economically viable, there would be no need to create a monopoly.

    Windpower is as trendy as ethanol, another scam that got bipartisan support.

    We are now seeing some second thoughts about the pushing of a second-rate fuel on the public.

  29. liberalgeek says:

    Please tell me why it isn’t viable, Art. Simply saying that Adams, Copeland and McDowell are against it isn’t a valid argument. Bring data to the party or no one will dance with you.

  30. anon says:

    And that was a great move if Copeland took himself off of Big Head.

    If Charlie wants to run against the budget, we will be very happy to point out if he cuts and runs from the one place where he could make a difference.

    Well not the only place. If Copeland wants to run against Minner’s budget he better vote against it. And, being Minority Leader and all, he’d better convince most of the R caucus to vote against the budget, or else look weak.

  31. anon says:

    If the Bluewater Scam was economically viable, there would be no need to create a monopoly.

    The same can be said for all electric generation. Electric power did not become universal until the concept of a regulated monopoly was implemented. That is the nature of public utilities.

  32. Dana Garrett says:

    Have some fucking spine….”

    Huh? You might as well say, “Dog, take wings and fly.” It’s not fair to set up tests that are impossible to pass because of natural law.

  33. FSP says:

    “If Charlie wants to run against the budget, we will be very happy to point out if he cuts and runs from the one place where he could make a difference.

    Well not the only place. If Copeland wants to run against Minner’s budget he better vote against it. And, being Minority Leader and all, he’d better convince most of the R caucus to vote against the budget, or else look weak.”

    Believe me, you’re going to need all you can make up on Copeland. I’m looking forward to the fall like a six-year-old on Christmas morning.

  34. FSP says:

    Dana — Anytime, anywhere. And luckily, I don’t even have to worry about you bringing friends!

  35. Dana Garrett says:

    “And that was a great move if Copeland took himself off of Big Head. That way they can’t use it as a weapon against him. Smart.”

    Thanks for the evidence. It will be a useful link on the web this summer & fall.


  36. Dana Garrett says:

    “Anytime, anywhere.”

    Notice the threat.

    Why don’t you just insinuate that I committed arson. Isn’t that more your style?

  37. FSP says:

    You have significant issues.

  38. Dana Garrett says:

    “You have significant issues.”

    It’s true. One of them is people who lie to me and the public about the public good.

    That’s a real significant issue for me. One I never forget.

  39. R Smitty says:

    Who’s the baiter, Dana? If this isn’t obsessed with Dave, what the hell is? Why I ask you is beyond reason, though. You seem to have lost all ability to self-criticize in an objective way.

    Argue with yourself much? Actually, you probably don’t. I’m thinking you see everything you do as perfect holiness.

  40. Dana Garrett says:

    “I’m thinking you see everything you do as perfect holiness.”

    Nay, I don’t think of myself as perfect. But I do think that even in my worst moments I would never suggest that someone started a fire for political purposes on no evidential basis whatsoever and only because the vicious innuendo could be made.

    You don’t have to be perfect to be better than that. You only have to have a pulse and the ability to write rudimentary sentences.

  41. FSP says:

    Nobody ever suggested that.

    PROVE that I suggested that, Red Dana.

  42. Dana Garrett says:

    It’s on my website and yours (unless you’ve changed it but no matter since I’ve made a computer photo of it).

    You are a sleazeball, Dave. Congratulations. Your name is already mud and its getting muddier since you find dirty politics so irresistible.

    You are th proverbial gift that keeps on giving. You are addicted to upchucking your brand of political bile. That’s why I can always rely on you.

    But, on the bright side, you will probably become infamous for it on a local level; and given your infantile level of self-awareness, I’m sure your fragile ego will twist your infamy into fame.

    Just as long as future voters know what you are really like, and present voters aren’t deceived by your dirty tricks, I really don’t care about you at all.

    Not anymore.

  43. FSP says:

    So you can’t prove it. Thought so.


    Check mate, punk.

  44. Dana Garrett says:

    I have already proved it. And people talk about how you insinuated it (people in Leg Hall) and the adjectives they use to describe you rival mine.

    You are such a dunce. You are falling off a cliff but think you are flying. The only reason you are getting somewhat away w/ it now is because you are a useful idiot. But there will come a point where your name will be associated so much w/ dirty politics that even members of your own party will distance themselves from you. From what I hear, the good Repubs in DE, elected and otherwise, have already begun to do so. And you can’t even see that it’s happening.

    I’d feel guilty laughing about it the way I do, but you really do deserve it.

  45. FSP says:

    So you’re going to prove it by saying you proved it?

    Liar. Coward. Fraud.

    You know so much that isn’t so. It’s hilarious.

    And here you go with more “I hear…” that you won’t source. Who’s “distanced themselves” from me?

    Liar. Coward. Fraud.

    I have received calls from 7 elected officials today. None of them were returning a call, and none of them asked me to do anything. Why doesn’t that match your so-call “Leg Hall people” and their opinion of me?

    Liar. Coward. Fraud.

  46. liberalgeek says:

    Hey Dave, when they call you next time, please ask them to get HCR38 passed. Thanks.

  47. liberalgeek says:

    By the way, you two are so cute when you fight. Remember, the making up is the best part.

  48. FSP says:

    “Hey Dave, when they call you next time, please ask them to get HCR38 passed. Thanks.”

    All of the Senators I know have called for HCR38 to be voted on.

  49. Dana Garrett says:

    “I have received calls from 7 elected officials today.”

    That’s your test? LOL.

    I bet Karl Rove gets that many in 2 hours.


  50. FSP says:

    So I’ve gone from laughingstock useful idiot to being Rovian in my influence?

    Seriously, you don’t need to provide any proof for your claims. We all know there is none. You’re just trying to save face at this point and doing a damn poor job of it.

    It’s so funny when YOU are outed for what YOU falsely accuse others of. I’m trying to keep from spitting my drink all over my keyboard as I laugh at you.

  51. Dana Garrett says:

    “I’m trying to keep from spitting my drink all over my keyboard as I laugh at you.”

    You use some form of this phrase often. Either it’s formulaic or you drink a lot.

    Dave, the post I have up about you is a link to my account of your Copeland fire story and it contains a link to your story which obviously insinuates that the fire had a political purpose.

    Why are you going over this? Why do you want to try to defend yourself on it once more. You will fail again. You insinuated it. Take responsibility for your actions. It’s not my (nor anyone’s) fault that you play dirty politics.

    But I’m done w/ this issue for now. If you think that a person would look at my computer photographed copy of your arson post and wouldn’t conclude that you were suggesting a political purpose for the fire, then sue me. We can talk about that & your ONGOING socialist smears (#41) about me.

    So, tough guy, put up and try to shut me up. Until then every time you play dirty, I’m going to be in your face pointing it out…recording all of it and there is nothing you can do about it.

    And I know it’s bothering you. Look how you continue the fight here and at my blog.

    I’m glad this bothers you, Dave. I’m thrilled that you are feeling a backlash from from your disgusting arson post. Because you deserve it…every last embarrassing sting you obviously feel from it you’ve earned. I shouldn’t be surprised, though, that you are so adept at squirming because, after all, you are just a worm.

    So, sue me.

  52. FSP says:

    “So sue me.”

    Sounds like an admission to me. Thanks for giving up, again.

    Really, you don’t have to provide actual proof. No one really expects you to. I mean, you suggested that Thurman Adams drinks with no sourcing or proof. You suggested that the GOP was planning to use anti-semitic tactics with no sourcing or proof. People have come to expect it of you.

    The reason I continue to comment has nothing to do with “squirming.” It’s that I have a problem with not getting the last word, especially when the topic is me and the other person is a lowlife who shouldn’t be commenting on anyone else before he gets his own self together.

    But then, in times like these, I remember that your opinion doesn’t matter at all to anyone and that most people have written you off as an obsessed lunatic. Which allows me to say this:

    Have the last word, jackass. It’s on me.