Delaware Liberal

Harris McDowell and Charlie Copeland Condone Delmarva Power’s Illegal “Public Notice” Anti-Wind Power Advertisments

In today’s NJ, Aaron Nathans points out Delmarva Power broke the law when it used the term “Public Notice” in it’s fraudulent and lying ad campaing to undermine the pending off shore wind power project.

Unfortunately, he failed to tie in the fact that Harris McDowell and Charlie Copeland are using the Senate Energy Committee in a complicit campaign to discredit the wind power project.


The article states that when asked to explain its bogus and fraudulent cost projections,

“(Delmarva spokesman Bridgett Shelton) said that information was based on the company’s private projections. She said that company’s consultant had made the estimate earlier this year in public testimony before the Senate Energy Committee.” – DTE no link

Shelton’s use of the Senate Energy Committee to legitimize her company’s use of fraudulent and misleading information in the illegal advertisement should have drawn a quick rebuke from Charlie Copeland, and Harris McDowell. Unless of course it was part of the Copeland/McDowell/Delmarva strategy to use the Senate Energy Comittee hearing process to disseminate Delamrva Power’s fraudulent information.

Was that the plan Charlie?

Charlie Copeland’s silence on this illegal advertisement and his ongoing suppor for Delmarva Power speaks volumes about his fitness for elected office. As for McDowell – that case is closed.

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