Who Should I be Reading?

Filed in National by on May 10, 2008

I think everyone has about 4 to 5 blogs that they check out all of the time.

I’ve been a slacker when it comes to reading and commenting on other blogs and have shaved that number down to 2 to 3.
So I know I’m missing some great stuff, but where?

Use this thread to discuss you poll choice – or let me know about a blog that I’m missing altogether.

For the record, I still miss Delatacit.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. Pandora says:

    FYI: Kilroy has pulled his blog. Not sure why. Seems he’s had it with Red Clay.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Delaware Liberal
    Down With Absolutes
    used to hit FSP everyday, but its turned into an unpaid advertisement for whatever GOP candidate shows up.
    Delaware Watch – good stuff now and then but its tough to comment because its usually a running battle between dana and liz or dave

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Kavips — this writer is an elegant thinker and writer and certainly has the best looking blog in Delaware.

    And whatsup with Tommywonk not being on the poll?

    An over that Big Media Matt’s place , he actually complements Tom Carper this week.

  4. RickJ19958 says:

    I read Dave and you guys daily (hourly). Between the two, I get both sides of the issue. The rest are read occasionally, but not with the same verve.

  5. jason330 says:

    Tommywonk has been added (he is in the contributor section of the blog roll so I missed him.)

    I agree about Kavips.

  6. Pandora says:

    Election Inspection! Love that blog. Kavips and Down with Absolutes too.

  7. jason330 says:

    Cassandra thanks for that link.

    I like the comments on that thread so far. Carper isn’t really all that progressive on mass transit but just saying the word “trains” makes you sound like Trotsky to a large segment of society.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    DelawareLibertarian – I don’t always agree, but they are usually agreeable and smart as hell.

    DelawarePolitics – You can see first-hand why the Republicans are falling off the face of the earth.

    Kavips – Consistently well thought out entertaining and informative.

    Oh, and what’s up with this “certainly has the best looking blog in Delaware”? You trying to start another war? Well you got one, honey!


  9. talkingpointsmemo
    and rawstory

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and Tommywonk. I did the same thing, missing him as I scanned the blogroll…

  11. X Stryker says:

    My vote’s for Dana over at Delaware Watch for railing against the establishment.

    And for non-DE blogs, I go for Swing State Project.

  12. heh, Dana rails, at any cost, against whomever is conveniently across the aisle from his new overlords, the Delaware Trade Unions.

    Hey Mr. Jason, you told Al Mascitti the other day that Delaware Liberal has four contributing authors.
    Don’t I count five?
    What up?
    Mebbe you should read DE Lib once in a while /snark alert.

  13. maria evans says:

    Obviously I’m gonna say you need to read TalkofDelmarva.com more…

    And I want to get you on the air with me next Sunday. E-mail me, I’ve lost all my addresses…

  14. Kilroy says:

    “FYI: Kilroy has pulled his blog. Not sure why. Seems he’s had it with Red Clay.”

    I got ticked and just wanted to walk away from it it all ! Dam Red Clay CFO a person I trusted and believed in, played me big time!

    I wear my heart too far out on my sleeve and set myself up! Dam half the community is pissed because I resigned from the Community Financial Review Committee .I refused to take the monthly reports on face value. If I stayed and turned a blinfd eye then I would be one of Bob’s boy.

    I deleted Kilroy’s because I wanted to just give up! However, I reealized they would win if I did. I couldn’t recover Kilroy’s so same Kilroy’s link but to new blog, Delaware Political Raw Dog. See Confession of a Red Clay Traitor, it will explain all. Sorry to say grammar the same, sucks!

    Pandora they are tearing me up on FixRedClay, you know how that goes!

    I got DelawareLiberal’s link all set up and even Big Al’s Wdel Blog! I remember Big Al when he was with the Snooze Journal right next to Norm Lockman! Al and Norm carried the Journal!
    Al came way before all the local blogs and he cut across the grain big time! Norm God rest his soul!

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Kilroy – I’m glad to see that you are still around. Keep up the fight.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Oh, and what’s up with this “certainly has the best looking blog in Delaware”? You trying to start another war? Well you got one, honey!

    Start another war? When have I ever started one? 🙄

    Seriously, XStryker’s blog is fantastic, but I wish he had some Delaware polling to report on and work with.

    Outside of Delaware, I read:
    Open Left (this is where Chris Bowers went and they are all doing great analysis)

    Balloon Juice (the incomparable John Cole views politics from the POV of a Republican who has just had it with his party)

  17. Dana says:

    You should be reading Common Sense Political Thought every day.