Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle still lives in a fantasy world when it comes to Iraq

Castle simply can’t admit that he was wrong to support Bush and his war in Iraq. And so the fantasy world spinning continues unabated.

Even now he still says crazy ass stuff like this…

“Our troops have made tremendous security gains in Iraq, but this progress is simply unsustainable if Iraq’s leaders are not fully committed to reaching some level of understanding on the most divisive issues.

Tremendous security gains? Progress? Oh yeah, I remeber… we painted a school.

I delivered this message to Ambassador Sumaidaie and expressed my strong support for shifting the day-to-day combat mission from U.S. soldiers over to the Iraqi security forces. Our talk was cordial and informative and we agreed to continue our dialogue on these critical issues in the future.”

That is just super! Continuing our dialogue as we shift “day-to-day combat missions” to Iraqis should take…oh… about 100 years.

NOTE TO DELAWARE “JOURNALISTS”: How about a follow up question once in a while you lazy stupid goofballs? When Castle claims that we have “made tremendous security gains” in Iraq – how about asking him to give an example? How about asking if you heard him right? How hard is that?

Do your jobs you lazy sons of bitches.

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