Mike Castle still lives in a fantasy world when it comes to Iraq

Filed in National by on May 11, 2008

Castle simply can’t admit that he was wrong to support Bush and his war in Iraq. And so the fantasy world spinning continues unabated.

Even now he still says crazy ass stuff like this…

“Our troops have made tremendous security gains in Iraq, but this progress is simply unsustainable if Iraq’s leaders are not fully committed to reaching some level of understanding on the most divisive issues.

Tremendous security gains? Progress? Oh yeah, I remeber… we painted a school.

I delivered this message to Ambassador Sumaidaie and expressed my strong support for shifting the day-to-day combat mission from U.S. soldiers over to the Iraqi security forces. Our talk was cordial and informative and we agreed to continue our dialogue on these critical issues in the future.”

That is just super! Continuing our dialogue as we shift “day-to-day combat missions” to Iraqis should take…oh… about 100 years.

NOTE TO DELAWARE “JOURNALISTS”: How about a follow up question once in a while you lazy stupid goofballs? When Castle claims that we have “made tremendous security gains” in Iraq – how about asking him to give an example? How about asking if you heard him right? How hard is that?

Do your jobs you lazy sons of bitches.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. wRong says:

    Re: Note to Delaware Journalists

    Happy Mothers’ Day to you too, biatch. We can’t critisize Castle. If we do, he’ll stop his paid advertising with us. And trust me, we need at least a full page per week just to keep up with the liquid lunch expense.

  2. Brian says:


    I sent a comment that did not show up; but you can rest assured that using a pet cemetery in Dover to cremate the remains of our soliders is not a good example of progress.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    How Repub’s support our troops no body armor as the war began unarmored Humvees dirty conditions at Walter Reed and other hospital’s and now shipping off our Dead Hero’s to a PET CEMETERY. Add to all this the Repub’s vote against vet benefits and raises for our fighting men and women. No action being taken to prevent foreclosure against the homes of our troops serving in IRAQ and AFGAN.
    Look none of the above matters as long as you have a Support Our Troops sticker Made in China on your car which describes you as a loyal American

  4. liz allen says:

    You are expecting local corporate media to ask McCastle pertinent questions? Get real…he hides behind the microphones of these radio pundits, he doesn’t come on their shows, where we the people get to question him! Do any of you believe that Carper is not supportive of Castle? Do you believe there are demopukes in this state who will behind the scenes support Castle at our expense. Castle’s Iraq policy is the same as Carpers. Neither of them have a clue about how to get us out of Iraq, we are so far into the muck and mire, only a miracle can help us now. There is another way and that way will be discussed on Indepth Delaware next Sunday, at 3:00, stay tuned.

  5. jason330 says:


    You have inside info on a miracle that will be disclosed on your public access TV show. Do I have that right?

    As for Carper. Yes, we know. He is not a team player when it comes to getting rid of Castle and a whole range of other political topics.

    He has disclosed as much.

  6. liz allen says:

    We will have a guest that has another view of what to do in Iraq….how to get out….not really a miracle, just a diplomatic viewpoint that needs to be looked into further.

    As for Carper….he is a blue dog…a real right winger, who agrees with the republicans on too many issues, yet seems to have a lot of power over the democratic party in Delaware. We need to rid ourselves of Castle…and then gear up for Carper. I have always said, I believe that John Flagherty would be an excellent opponent, and wouldnt need that much money, since people know and respect him all over the State…something to think about.

  7. jason330 says:

    Al Macitti maintains that Flagherty is not as well known by the general public as he is by a small universe of people who pay attention to politics. I happen to agree.

    carper has his seat for as long as he wants it. I’d be happy if he would just pretend to be a Democrat once in a while.

  8. Brian says:

    I still think the pet story is important. Click on my name to see it in full.

  9. Senator Tom Carper says:


    You are a left-wing asshole.

    I have not heard a single one of the 200 people cremated at “Friends Forever Pet Cremation,” complain to my office about the service they got. We have to cremate them there to prevent terrorists from following us here.

    Got it. Now shut up about me voting like a democrat.