Delaware Liberal

Which Party is Over?

The Republican party is in deep trouble. In races all over the country seats which were once firmly ensconced in the Republican column are now up for grabs. Fewer and fewer people are describing – or admitting – themselves as Republicans, and the hope that McCain will win over Independents is slipping away.

Okay, McCain is a terrible candidate. He has denied the Republicans use of their favorite words: Flip-flop and waffling. But he isn’t solely to blame for the state of his party. Oh no, this was a group effort, beginning with Ronald Reagan’s pandering to the Far Right. His validation of the pro-life/family values groups is his legacy, and while Reagan got away with paying lip service to this group present day Republicans aren’t so lucky. Which brings us back to McCain whose positions are becoming as fickle as a teenage girl.

Juggling two lovers usually ends with the juggler losing both. Eventually the lovers discover each others existence and then all hell breaks loose. Oh yeah, the “Maverick” has a big commitment problem. Whispering sweet nothings no longer works, and the promises being made to the far right concerning Supreme Court Justices and abortion will not win the hearts of the much needed Independents. McCain is – if you’ll permit me to bludgeon a theme – torn between two lovers.

So, with all the talk about the survival of the Democratic Party have we missed the fall of the Republican Empire?

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