I am NOT watching TV tonight & Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on May 13, 2008

Not because Hillary is going to win West Virginia – she was always going to win WV – but because I cannot watch Clinton surrogates try and spin new life into her campaign.

So here’s my question… What will the talking heads be spewing after the race is called for Hillary (about one second after the polls close)? Will they stick by their guns and say, It’s great she’s going out with a bang?, or will they dredge up Obama’s “electability among white, blue-collared voters” argument and call tonight a “game changer”?

I’m honestly not certain how this “win” will be played.

My only hope is Chuck Todd.


It is WV Prediction thread, brought to you by “Redneck Gift Baskets” the only gift basket that contains: Pork Skins, Can of Cheese, Spam, RC Cola, and Moon Pies.

After carefully checking X-styker’s prediction I am going to fly in the face of conventional wisdom and predict that Cletis and Lurleene are going to give the national media the finger by picking Clinton by an underwhelming 24% margin.

Final Popular Vote:

Clinton 60%
Obama 36%
Others 4%

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Awesome gift basket! Loves me some pork rinds!

    I say Hillary by 25%

    The theme will be “HRC’s setting herself up for a position of power within the Obama Admin.”

  2. jason330 says:

    VC just “price is righted” me.

    You bastard!

  3. RSmitty says:

    Clinton 66%
    Obama 33%
    Others 1%

    Yes, she doubles him.

    Media sees it for what it actually is, a chance for HRC to feel loved before she sets the stage to leave (after KY…that’s KENTUCKY not the other stuff). Some of the more daring media, however, goes into the muddy water a bit deeper and labels WV as possibly-racist. This pisses off the voter-base there, leading them to becoming a red state for the Presidential election in November.

    Any talk about HRC doing this for VP nod is dismissed by the smarter media heads, but totally bought by the dunderheads. Approximately 30-40% of the discussion will be more on who BHO may pick as VP. Ohio Gov gets plenty of discussion in this topic.

    Jason – when I win, drop me a line so you can communicate the CORRECT address.

  4. Pandora says:

    I’m still going to Mikimotos.

  5. cassandra m says:


    I don’t even think that they have TVs in there so you should be safe (or maybe they have them in the bar area?).

    You post here reminds me, Pandora, that I never settled the last prediction thread. No one won outright, but LG and VonC split being the closest on the IN and NC spreads without going over, so you guys need to email me your addresses so I can send your books!

  6. Von Cracker says:

    It’s the “Showcase Showdown”!


  7. truth teller says:

    Yes she will win tonight not sure what it will prove I am a bit tired of hearing the talking heads keep saying the math is against her. As i look at the results the math is against both for they both need the Super delegates to hit the magic number so we end up with what we all didn’t want to see in the beginning the party Hacks picking our Gal or Guy.
    Oh well we will just have to live with it and be sure we are united come November

  8. Pandora says:

    Okay… here goes…

    Clinton: 60%
    Obama: 37%
    other: 3%

  9. cassandra m says:

    My guess:

    HRC: 66%
    BHO: 31%
    Other: 3%

    Who are these Others anyway?

  10. RSmitty says:

    From the other side of the island!

  11. Pandora says:

    Can they be voted off?

  12. Von Cracker says:

    I believe Edwards is still on the ballot.

  13. cassandra m says:

    Send me your address, VonC.

    And for all of us who are not paying attention to the media circus tonite, read about how Obama Blew His Campaign.

  14. truth teller says:

    I was going to make a pick for tonight but then it was a bit hard for me to guess Obama’s numbers I noticed he started wearing an American flag pin and that may result in a few more votes. the part that dismayed me like the support our troops stickers they are also made in China

  15. truth teller says:

    Just caught Matthews he had Huckabee on and Matthews brought up the fact that OBama was wearing the flag pin seemed to make a big deal out of his not wearing one and now wearing one. The thing that got me was Huckabee wasn’t wearing a flag pin and Matthews and his other guest Eugene Robinson never remarked about the fact that good old Huck didn’t have one on. So as far as that ass Matthews goes it’s ok to bring up Obama’s lack of a pin but not a REPUB>

  16. R Smitty says:

    at 98% reporting…67/26/and 7?!?! Other got 7?! Sheesh!

  17. truth teller says:

    67% now that’s an impressive number

  18. truth teller says:

    The Super Delegates ( Make that Party Hacks) can’t cast their votes until the convention so for the talking heads to keep tossing them into the mix may be a bit premature it is very possible that some of these delegates both the pledged and the Supers could change their minds(although very unlikely) One of the things that we should be concerned about is if Florida and Michigan Delegates are seated then according to party rules you must have a majority of the delegates to win and I know everyone poo poos this but the number does change to 2209, So the rules committee has their hands full.